E08-010 ~ N-Delta
Measurement of the Coulomb quadrupole amplitude
in the γ* p → Δ (1232) reaction
in the low momentum transfer region
E08-010 is a experiment that ran from February 27th to March 7th, 2011, in Hall A at the Thomas Jefferson Lab National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia. The goal of the experiment was to measure the Coulomb quadrupole amplitude of the pion electroproduction reaction in the Δ(1232) resonance region with low momentum transfer in an effort to better understand the structure of the proton in the low energy region where the pion cloud is expected to dominate.
Experiment Proposal - N. Sparveris et al.
Ph.D. Thesis Proposal - D. Anez
Ph.D. Thesis Proposal Presentation - D. Anez
Run Plan
Experiment Timeline
Run List
Run Sheets
Phase Space Plots
Database Files
BCM Calibration
Boiling Test
BPM Calibration
VDC Calibration
Mispointing Calibration
Coincidence Timing

Luminosity Calculation
Simulated Yields
Simulated Cross Sections
Conversion from transport coordinates to kinematic variables
Conversion from kinematic variables to spectrometer settings

Experiment Wiki
Detector Details
N. Sparveris (spokesperson)(Temple University, Philadelphia, PA)
M. Paolone (postdoc)(Temple University, Philadelphia, PA)
A. Blomberg (student)(Temple University, Philadelpha, PA)
D. Anez (Ph.D. student)(Saint Mary's University, Halifax, NS)
A.J. Sarty (spokesperson)(Saint Mary's University, Halifax, NS)
D.W. Higinbotham (spokesperson)(Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA)