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Hall A Collaboration Information Archive

This set of pages archives official information of the Hall A Collaboration. Examples include the Hall A Collaboration Charter, minutes of the Coordinating Committee meetings, and the agenda of collaboration meetings.

The Hall A Collaboration Charter

Click here to view the official charter for the collaboration. The charter was adopted in December 1998.

Minutes of the CC (Coordinating Committee) Meetings

The Hall A Coordinating Committee meets a few times a year to discuss collaboration issues. Below are links to an archive of committee meeting minutes and to an archive of the committee members since 2001.

Archive of Committee Meeting Minutes
Archive of the Committee Members

Collaboration Meeting Agenda

Copies of the transparencies from the meetings listed below are available by contacting Heather Ashley (

Archive of Collaboration Meeting Agenda

Physics Working Groups and Contacts

  • Nucleon-Structure Working Group, conveners A. Sarty, J.P. Chen, and R. Lourie
  • Few-Body Working Group, convener B. Hersman
  • Many-Body Physics Working Group, convener K. Fissum
  • FPP/Spin Physics Working Group, convener C. Glashausser
  • Kaon Physics Working Group, conveners P. Markowitz and F. Garibaldi
  • Compton-Scattering Working Group, conveners C. Hyde-Wright, P. Bertin, and B. Wojtsekhowski
  • BigBite Working Group, convener D. Higinbotham
  • Please contact me if your working group has been omitted.

Related Information and Links

  • The archives of e-mail sent to the Hall A mailing lists. Postings since June 1st, 1998 are here. Older postings arehere. of mails sent to Hall A mailing lists. The HALLA link on that page will include all communications from the CC and Hall management to the Collaboration since the list's inception (11 June 1997).
  • The Hall A web site at Jefferson Lab.

Last modified: October 2003