Hall A Collaboration Meeting

(submitted talks are here!)

December 4-5, 2008

CEBAF Center F113


THURSDAY, Dec. 4th, 2008

Opening Session (Morning Chair: P. Markowitz)

9:00   Welcome, opening remarks—Pete Markowitz

9:10   Hall A status report, 6 GeV schedule—Kees de Jager (pptx)

9:30   Open discussion of the 6 GeV schedule


Current Experiment Status Reports

9:50   E06-010, Transversity/polarized 3He target performance—Yi Qiang (pdf)

10:20 E07-013, d2n—Brad Sawatzky (pdf)

10:40 Coffee Break

11:00 E05-105, E05-015, E08-005, Single Spin Asymmetries—Todd Averett (pdf) (pdf)

11:20 E05-102, 3He(e,e'd)—Ellie Long


11:40 Business Meeting –P. Markowitz

New Collaboration Members:

Los Alamos Group, nominated by Xiaodong Jiang

 1. Dr. Ming Xiong Liu, staff member.

 2. Dr. Lei Guo, postdoc.

 3. Dr. Han Liu, postdoc.


Postdocs:  Lamiaa El Fassi-Rutgers Univ., nominated by Ron Gilman

                    Mark Dalton-UVa, nominated by Kent Paschke

                   Ramesh Subedi—UVa, nominated by Xioachao Zheng

                                                     (prev.  member at KSU)

                   Peter Monaghan—Hampton University

Student Members:   Jin Ge (UVa) and Ellie Long (Kent State)


Summary of changes to Hall A Charter—Brad  Sawatzky


12:00 Lunch


Completed Experiment Status Reports (Afternoon Chair: Moffit)

13:00 E06-007, nuclear medium effects, 208Pb—Konrad Aniol

13:20   E04-007, pi-0 electroproduction—Mitra Shabestari

13:40   E03-101, 3He photodisintegration, E05-103, deuteron photodisintegration, E05-004, A(Q) in Low Q e-D elastic—Doug Higinbotham


12 GeV Proposals

14:20  3He/3H ratio measurement at x>1--Patricia Solvignon

14:50  Transversity, solenoid spectrometer--Haiyan Gao

15:20  Coffee Break

15:40  Moller, toroid spectrometer—Kent Paschke


Equipment Upgrade Status

16:10   Moller Upgrade Status--Eugene Chudakov

16:30   Compton Upgrade Status—Sirish Nanda?


Completed Experiment Status Reports

16:50  E03-104, 4He(e,e'p)—Mike Paolone

17:10   E97-110, saGDH--Vincent Sulkosky

17:30  E08-007, Proton FF ratio at low Q2—Xiaohui Zhan


18:00  Borrell –CEBAF Center, A110



FRIDAY, Dec 5th, 2008


Upcoming Experiment Status Reports (Morning Chair: Averett)

9:00  E05-109, HAPPEx III--Dustin McNulty

9:20  E08-011, PVDIS--Ramesh Subedi

9:40  E06-002, Pb-parity and Septum Update--Luis Mercado


Invited Talks

10:00  Mikhail Gorshteyn, Indiana University—Dispersion corrections to elastic electron scattering

10:45  Coffee Break

11:00  JLab Weekly Seminar—John  Ralston, University of Kansas

12:00  Lunch


(Afternoon Chair: Sawatzky)

13:10  Hall A Analysis Workshop Summary—Ole Hansen


12 GeV Proposals

13:30  Super BigBite Spectrometer—Bogdan Wojtsekhowski

13:50  GEn, SBS—Gordon Cates

14:20  GMn, SBS—Mark Jones

14:50  Coffee Break

15:10  DISParity/Solenoid spectrometer-Paul Souder

15:40  Parasitic Run Request--Liguang Tang


Experiment Status Reports—Completed Experiments

16:00   E02-013, GEn,  Gregg Franklin

16:20   E00-102, 16O(e,e'p)—Larry Weinstein


16:40   E05-110, Coulomb Sum Rule--Huan Yao

17:00   E94-107, Hypernuclear spectroscopy—Guido Urciouli


17:20   Meeting Ends