Hall A Collaboration Meeting, June 11 &mdash 12, 2009

NOTE: All talks are in F113 in the new wing of Cebaf Center.

Copies of the presentations may be found here.

A copy of the 2008 Hall A Annual Report may be found here (pdf).

Thursday 11 June 2009
Start Time End Time Event Speaker
---- ---- Opening Session Morning Chair: Todd Averett
09:00 09:10 Welcoming Remarks  
09:10 09:30 Hall A Status Update Kees de Jager
---- ---- Current Experiment Status Reports ----
09:30 09:45 E05-015 Single Spin Asymmetries 3He(e, e') YaWei Zhang
09:45 10:00 E08-005 Single Spin Ayn Asymmetry 3He(e, e'n) Vince Sulkosky
10:00 10:15 E05-102 3He(e,e'd) & 3He(e,e'p) Ge Jin
10:15 10:30 Hall A Business Meeting (Agenda)  
10:30 10:45 Coffee Break  
10:45 11:00 E05-110 Coulomb Sum Rule Yoomin Oh
11:00 11:15 E04-007 Threshold pi0 Mitra Shabestari
11:15 11:30 E06-010 Transversity Xin Qian
11:30 11:45 E06-014 d2n Matt Posik
11:45 12:05 E04-018 3He, 4He Elastic Scattering Makis Petratos
12:05 13:30 Lunch  
---- ---- Invited Speaker / Colloquium
13:30 14:30 Two-Photon Exchange Carl Carlson (College of W & M)
---- ---- Completed Experiment Status Reports Afternoon Chair: Karl Slifer
14:30 14:45 E05-103 LEDEX Ron Gilman
14:45 15:00 E03-101 Proton Pair Photodisintegration Ron Gilman
15:00 15:25 Coffee Break  
15:25 15:45 E97-110 Small Angle GDH Vincent Sulkosky
15:45 16:00 E05-004 A(Q) at low Q for e, d elastic scattering Doug Higinbotham
16:00 16:20 E08-007 Proton FF at low Q^2 Doug Higinbotham
16:20 16:40 E02-013 Gen Sergey Abrahamyan
16:40 17:00 E00-102 O(e, e'p) Joaquin Lopez
17:00 17:15 E06-007 208Pb(e, e'p) Joaquin Lopez
18:00 20:00 Borrell  
Friday 12 June 2009
Start Time End Time Event Speaker
---- ---- Super BigBite Session Morning Chair: Brad Sawatzky
09:00 09:20 Overview of the SBS Project Bogdan Wojtsekhowski
09:20 09:40 GEM technology Nilanga Liyanage
09:40 10:00 RICH technology Franco Garibaldi
10:00 10:15 N-polarimeter John Annand
10:15 10:30 Phi electro-production with SBS Ole Hansen
10:30 10:45 PVDIS with SBS Xiaochao Zheng
10:45 11:00 Open Discussion  
11:00 11:20 Coffee Break  
11:20 11:40 Tritium target design concept for u/d measurement Roy Holt
---- ---- Precision Beam Polarimetry ----
11:40 12:00 Moller Polarimeter Upgrade Eugene Chudakov
12:00 12:20 Compton Polarimeter Upgrade Alexandre Camsonne
12:20 13:30 Lunch  
---- ---- Future Experiments Afternoon Chair: Pete Markowitz
13:30 13:45 E08-011 PVDIS Xiaochao Zheng
13:45 14:00 E08-027 G2p and the LT spin polarizability Karl Slifer
14:00 14:15 E06-002 PREx Abdurahim Rakhman
14:15 14:30 E09-005 Moller Dustin McNulty
14:30 14:45 E05-109 Happex III Mark Dalton
14:45 15:00 E07-006 SRC (e, e'pN) Doug Higinbotham
15:00 15:25 Coffee Break  
15:25 15:45 E94-107/E07-012 High Resolution Hypernuclear Spectroscopy in Hall A Franco Garibaldi
15:45 16:00 E08-014 3-nucleon correlations Patricia Solvignon
16:00 16:15 E08-008 Threshold Deuteron Photodisintegration Blaine Norum
16:15 16:45 E07-007/E08-025 DVCS Carlos Munoz
. . . .

Last modified: Fri Jun 5 17:05:59 EDT 2009

Please contact Brad Sawatzky for questions regarding the agenda.