Running   CODA   on   Spectrometer   DAQ   Systems

Robert Michaels,, Jefferson Lab Hall A, updated May 19, 2010

This file:


This assumes that runcontrol is running.   If not, see Cold Start in section III.

Attributes of the Two DAQ Setups
   System being read out     Left HRS   DAQ    Right   HRS
  Computer where to run           adaql3            adaql2  
  Account from which to run          a-onl           a-onl
  ROCs involved   TS11, ROC3, ROC4    TS10, ROC1, ROC2  
   Disk areas for data   /adaql2/dataN,   N=1,2,3,4   /adaql2/dataN,   N=1,2,3,4
  Run numbers   > 20,000     < 20,000  
  Prescale factors   ~a-onl/prescale/prescaleL.dat   ~a-onl/prescale/prescaleR.dat
  Deadtime and Disk monitor    datamonL    datamonR
  runcontrol configuration   LeftHrs / LeftNoGem     RightNoGem  
 Pedestal files   N/A: No ped suppression   N/A: No ped suppression


          It takes a couple hours for files to appear in MSS, and the files remain on adaq disk for typically 2 or 3 days.



Rarely, the workstations don't function properly and the simplest way out is to reboot. Ole usually keeps some instructions posted near the PC terminal.   One may hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 to go to console mode, then Ctrl-Alt-Del.   If you have trouble starting X, type "startxfce4".


Problems with CODA can usually be solved with a simple reset or with a Cold Start. Call Bob Michaels or Alexandre Camsonne for HRS DAQ problems. Call Luis Mercado or Bob Michaels for HAPPEX DAQ problems. Do NOT waste an hour stuck on resets.

If a ROC seems to be hung up, you can reboot it by going to the workspace with all the small x-terms logged into the frontend computers and typing "reboot" at the vxWorks prompt (-> reboot). Wait 2 minutes and telnet back in to verify its alive. The name of the ROC computer is normally written in the name of the xterm (hallasfi1, hallasfi2, etc). You need to know what subset of these computers are used for your configuration, see the table in section V below. If the ROC seems really frozen, use the "Crate Resets" button in the magnet EPICS screen on hacsbc2 (controls computer). Note, both fastbus crates in one arm are reset with one button.   To reset from the EPICS GUI, toggle the state of the button. Note, if a ROC cannot be reset via the GUI, they can only be reset by typing "reboot" at the vxWorks prompt. Another possibility is to type "ctrl-X" at the vxWorks prompt; this sometimes works when typing reboot does not work. Finally, if the above does not work one can gain access to the cpu and press the reset button (or power cycle the crate).

If you reboot the ROC, or if something on the workstation is hung up, try pushing the "Reset" button in runcontrol. Then Configure, Download, and StartRun as usual.

If a ``quick'' reset doesn't work, try a Cold Start (see below).


To perform a cold start of the processes on the Linux computer (adaql1, etc), simply type "startcoda" on the a-onl account. This performs a "kcoda" for you, as well as starts all the components you need.

Before downloading, it is first a good idea to make sure the fastbus and VME crates (i.e. the ROCs) are running. One finds that when resetting, one can frequently avoid rebooting the frontend crates, and just restart runcontrol, but if you must: Press the reset buttons for the relevant subset of crates as explained in the Reset section above. A convenient way to reset (reboot) the ROCs is to go to the adaql2 workspace with x-terms logged into each frontend computer and enter "reboot" at the vxWorks prompt -> of each ROC. But one can also use the EPICS GUI as explained above. After a few minutes, telnet back in and verify they are up. Some of the crates take longer than others to reboot. Be patient. To start everything on the workstation, type "startcoda" as explained above. Eventually runcontrol will pop up. In runcontrol press the Connect button. After "connect", wait 10 seconds, then press "Run Type"; a dialog box pops up and you must choose the configuration you want, which is normally the first choice. Then press download and wait about 30 seconds. If download hangs up, press "Cancel", "Reset", and "Download" in runcontrol. After a successful download, you can "Start Run" to start a run.

If you ever logout of the DAQ computer adaql1 or adaql2 or have rebooted it, here is how to restart the preferred setup. Login as "a-onl" for adaql2 or adaql3. See table above for attributes of the two DAQs available (different computers for different HRS, etc). Emacs the prescale file in the background: "emacs ~/prescale/prescaleL.dat &"   or "prescaleR.dat". Also start datamon by typing "datamonL" or "datamonR".   Next, in the "components" workspace, login to all the frontend computers by typing "telnet hallasfi1" where the name of the computer like hallasfi1 is in the name of the xterm window. Also in the name of these xterms is the portserver port where you can connect via RS232 (portserver instructions are at So, an example name may be an xterm with title "ROC2--hallasfi2--hatsv3-port-8" meaning ROC2 is IP address hallasfi2 and on portserver hatsv3 at port 8.   Note: If these xterm windows for components are not there, type "setupxterms" to bring them up.

V.   Spectrometer 2-DAQ Configuration

   Production-Mode CODA Configrations for HAPPEX/PVDIS/PREX.
   Unbuffered mode and no pedestal suppression

        LeftHrs -- DAQ on Left HRS (a-onl acct, adaql3 computer)

                 ROC3, ROC4, TS11, ROC6(GEM crate)

      (Or can use LeftNoGem which drops ROC6)

        RightNoGem -- DAQ on Right HRS (a-onl acct, adaql2 computer)
                 ROC1, ROC2, TS10

       (Don't use RightHRS, the GEM crate there does not work.)

   Other CODA Configs may be made later

HRS-DAQ crates     (accurate as of Aug 12, 2009)
  ROC       Description      IP Address   Portserver
  ROC1     R-arm Lower Fastbus Crate   hallasfi1     hatsv3 port 2  
  ROC2     R-arm Upper Fastbus Crate   hallasfi2     hatsv3 port 8  
  TS0     R-arm VME/Scaler   hallavme2     hatsv3 port 3  
  ROC3     L-arm Lower Fastbus Crate   hallasfi3     hatsv4 port 3  
  ROC4     L-arm Upper Fastbus Crate   hallasfi4     hatsv40 port 6  
  TS1     L-arm VME/Scaler   hallavme4     hatsv4 port 7  


VI.   More info

More info:   and

This page maintained by Robert Michaels