Momentum scan for BigBite Commision

    Goal - The momentum scan in coinc with HRS produces over-defined protons of known momentum and angles set for the calibration

    but shines only a limited part of the BB acceptance. We will therefor mix singles H(e,p) events in to the trigger.

  1. Set beam at 1201 MeV (1st pass), 5-10 microAmp.

    Make sure the singles rate at all BB scintillators are well below

    1 Mhz each.

  2. Set HRS(L) at A1 kinematics.

  3. Establish a mix of coincidence trigger [HRS(L) (electron) * BB(proton) ] and singles BB (proton).

  4. Get data for A1,A2,A3,A6,(G2) kinematics, for both H and C(normal) targets

  5. Change energy from 1st pass th 2nd pass and get data for A4,A5,(C1,G1) kinematics.

  6. Make sure all elements are working. Take enough beam to have ~10,000 per element, for off line analysis.

    Analysis -

    a) Identify electrons in HRS(L), protons in BB, Identify clean (e,e'p) and (e,p) events.

    b) Get the expected momentum distribution using all possible methods and adjust fit/calculation parameters.

    * Scintillator hit position.

    * TOF Aux-E

    * TOF target-E

    c) Check dP/P for the different methods.

    d) Look for the expected angle vs momentum correlation for the proton in BB.