SRC: Short Range Correlations Experiment

SRC (JLab 01-015) Home

How to bring up HAC control window

How to download and check the trigger

What/where to check target temperature

How to change momentum setting of HRS and Septum

How to start HALOG

How to reboot HRS crates

How to bring up the Alarm Handler

How to start beam counting script

How do the ROCs connect to the port server

Plot time dependences of EPICS variables

How to reset the VDC high voltage

How to print in the counting house

How to bring up the Beamtime Counting Table

How to start spot++ and check raster

How to run CODA

How to start xscaler (HRS) and check trigger rate 

How to start online analysis

Cold start

What/where to check VDC

How if have other problems can not be solved

How to do a harp scan


How to bring up HAC control window

Alarm Handler, bogies_LEFT, bogies_RIGHT, bogies_SetSpec, JavaArchiverClient,

Menu_Accelerator, Menu_ESR, Menu_HallA, snapshot, StripTool


How to change momentum setting of HRS and Septum


How to bring up the Alarm Handler

Plot time dependences of EPICS variables

How to bring up the Beamtime Counting Table

How to run CODA

Cold start


How to download and check the trigger


How to start HALOG

How to start beam counting script

How to reset the VDC high voltage

How to start spot++ and check raster

How to start xscaler (HRS) and check trigger rate

What/where to check VDC

What/where to check target temperature

How to reboot HRS crates

How do the ROCs connect to the port server

How to print in the counting house


(This is from Ole Hansen, 16-April-2004) There are apparently some problems with printing in the counting house.  The problem is with the configuration of the "pdq" utility and the "cha2hp" printer. The Computer Center is aware of the problem, but to my knowledge they haven't fixed it yet. For the moment, please use the following workarounds:

Printing from the command line:

Printing form Mozilla:

Alternatively, you can have Mozilla print to a Postscript file, which you can then print from the command line.

Trying to print to cha2hp from a CUE machine (e.g. jlabl1) using pdq will also fail. This is not a problem specific to the counting house computers.  Only lpr and rlpr will work with this printer.


How to start online analysis

            [adaq@adaql5 adaq]$ cd ~/e01015/onlana/

            [adaq@adaql5 onlana]$ analyzer

            analyzer [0] .x onlana.C

            Histograms are ready.  To look at them type:

                  .x online.C+("detectorR")

                  .x online.C+("detectorL")

                  .x online.C+("summary")


            More info in README file


            analyzer [1] .x online.C+("summary")

            you can find detailed instruction for onlana directory in onlana.html

How if have other problems can not be solved

How to do a harp scan

SRC (JLab 01-015) Home

Ran Shneor   2004 Aug 20