//E01015 EXPT TREE VARIABLES Int_t THaScintillatorPlane::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "nhit", "Number of hits", "GetNHits()"}, { "mypos", "Y position of hits", "fHits.THaScintHit.GetHitYPos()" }, { "mtof", "Time of Flight of hits", "fHits.THaScintHit.GetHitTOF()" }, { "pad", "Paddle number of hit","fHits.THaScintHit.GetPaddleNumber()" }, { "nlthit", "Number of Left paddles TDC times", "fLTNhit" }, { "nrthit", "Number of Right paddles TDC times", "fRTNhit" }, { "nlahit", "Number of Left paddles ADCs amps", "fLANhit" }, { "nrahit", "Number of Right paddles ADCs amps", "fRANhit" }, { "lt", "TDC time left side", "fLT" }, { "rt", "TDC time right side", "fRT" }, { "lt_c", "Corrected TDC time left side", "fLT_c" }, { "rt_c", "Corrected TDC time right side", "fRT_c" }, { "la", "ADC amp left side", "fLA" }, { "ra", "ADC amp right side", "fRA" }, { "la_c", "Corrected ADC amp left side", "fLA_c" }, { "ra_c", "Corrected ADC amp right side", "fRA_c" }, { "tdiff", "Left - Right TDC time", "fTDiff" }, { "ypos", "Y position along paddle", "fYPos" }, { "ybar", "Y position of bar", "fYBar" }, { "xbar", "X position of bar", "fXBar" }, { "zbar", "Z position of bar", "fZBar" }, { "tof", "Corrected tof to paddle", "fTOF" }, { "npadhit","Number of paddles hit", "fNPaddlesHit"}, { "ishit", "Is Hit", "fIsHit"}, ////////////////////// Int_t THaSRCSet::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "ntracks", "Number of tracks ", "fNTracks" }, { "ne", "Number of the E hit", "fNE" }, { "nde","Number of the dE hit", "fNdE" }, { "na", "Number of the Aux hit", "fNA" }, { "xpos", "x hit position", "fXPos" }, { "ypos", "y hit position", "fYPos" }, { "zpos", "z hit position", "fZPos" }, { "theta","in-plane ang", "fTheta"}, { "phi ","out-of-plane ang","fPhi"}, { "tof" , "TOF of Aux-E", "fTOF" }, { "etime" , "Time of track (E plane)", "fETime" }, { "detime" , "Time of track (dE plane)", "fdETime" }, { "atime" , "Time of track (Aux plane)", "fATime" }, { "time" , "Time of track (Total)", "fTime" }, { "dist" ,"trig - aux distance", "fDist" }, { "ptof" ,"Momentum by TOF", "fPT" }, { "phit" ,"Momentum by hit", "fPH" }, { "pid" , "veto flag", "fPID" }, { "Ela" , "E left adc cor", "fEla" }, { "Era" , "E right adc cor", "fEra" }, { "aa" , "aux adc cor", "faa" }, { "dEla" , "dE left adc cor", "fdEla" }, { "dEra" , "dE right adc cor", "fdEra" }, /////////////////////////// Int_t THaNA::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "ntracks", "Number of tracks ", "fNTracks" }, { "tr.theta","in-plane ang", "fTracks.THaNDTrack.GetTheta()"}, { "tr.phi ","out-of-plane ang","fTracks.THaNDTrack.GetPhi()"}, { "tr.nhits ","Number of hits in track","fTracks.THaNDTrack.GetNHits()"}, { "tr.tof ","Time of flight","fTracks.THaNDTrack.GetTOF()"}, { "tr.dist ","Distance of a first hit in track from the target","fTracks.THaNDTrack.GetDist()"}, { "tr.energy ","Energy deposit","fTracks.THaNDTrack.GetEnergyDeposit()"}, { "tr.firstpad ", "Paddle number of the first hit","fTracks.THaNDTrack.GetFirstHitPaddle()"}, { "tr.firstplane ", "Plane number of the first hit","fTracks.THaNDTrack.GetFirstHitPlane()"}, { "wv.ntracks", "Number of tracks ", "fNwvTracks" }, { "tr.wv.theta","in-plane ang", "fwvTracks.THaNDTrack.GetTheta()"}, { "tr.wv.phi ","out-of-plane ang","fwvTracks.THaNDTrack.GetPhi()"}, { "tr.wv.nhits ","Number of hits in track","fwvTracks.THaNDTrack.GetNHits()"}, { "tr.wv.tof ","Time of flight","fwvTracks.THaNDTrack.GetTOF()"}, { "tr.wv.energy ","Energy deposit","fwvTracks.THaNDTrack.GetEnergyDeposit()"}, { "wov.ntracks", "Number of tracks ", "fNwovTracks" }, { "tr.wov.theta","in-plane ang", "fwovTracks.THaNDTrack.GetTheta()"}, { "tr.wov.phi ","out-of-plane ang","fwovTracks.THaNDTrack.GetPhi()"}, { "tr.wov.nhits ","Number of hits in track","fwovTracks.THaNDTrack.GetNHits()"}, { "tr.wov.tof ","Time of flight","fwovTracks.THaNDTrack.GetTOF()"}, { "tr.wov.energy ","Energy deposit","fwovTracks.THaNDTrack.GetEnergyDeposit()"}, { "nneutrons", "Number of neutrons per event ","fNNeutrons"}, { "n.tof" , "Tof of neutron", "fNeutrons.THaNDNeutron.GetTOF()"}, { "n.plane" , "Plane of neutron", "fNeutrons.THaNDNeutron.GetHitPlane()"}, { "n.pad" , "Paddle number of neutron", "fNeutrons.THaNDNeutron.GetHitPaddle()"}, { "n.phi" , "out-of-plane ang", "fNeutrons.THaNDNeutron.GetPhi()"}, { "n.theta" , "in-plane ang", "fNeutrons.THaNDNeutron.GetTheta()"}, { "n.energy" , "Paddle number of neutron", "fNeutrons.THaNDNeutron.GetEnergyDeposit()"}, { "n.dist","Distance of paddle from target","fNeutrons.THaNDNeutron.GetDistance()"}, /////////////////////// Int_t THaNeutronDetector::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "nplaneshit", "Number of Planes hit", "fNPlanesHit" }, { "ntracks", "Number of tracks ", "fNTracks" }, { "tr.theta","in-plane ang", "fTheta"}, { "tr.phi ","out-of-plane ang","fPhi"}, { "tr.nhits ","out-of-plane ang","fNHits"}, { "tr.tof ","out-of-plane ang","fTOF"}, { "tr.energy ","Energy deposit","fEnergyDeposit"}, { "tr.vetohit","Veto information","fVetoHit"}, /////////////// Int_t THaVeto::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "nhit", "Number of hits", "GetNHits()"}, { "pad", "Paddle number of hit","fHits.THaScintHit.GetPaddleNumber()" }, { "nlthit", "Number of Left paddles TDC times", "fLTNhit" }, { "nrthit", "Number of Right paddles TDC times", "fRTNhit" }, { "nlahit", "Number of Left paddles ADCs amps", "fLANhit" }, { "nrahit", "Number of Right paddles ADCs amps", "fRANhit" }, { "lt", "TDC time left side", "fLT" }, { "rt", "TDC time right side", "fRT" }, { "lt_c", "Corrected TDC time left side", "fLT_c" }, { "rt_c", "Corrected TDC time right side", "fRT_c" }, { "la", "ADC amp left side", "fLA" }, { "ra", "ADC amp right side", "fRA" }, { "la_c", "Corrected ADC amp left side", "fLA_c" }, { "ra_c", "Corrected ADC amp right side", "fRA_c" }, { "ybar", "Y position of bar", "fYBar" }, { "xbar", "X position of bar", "fXBar" }, { "zbar", "Z position of bar", "fZBar" }, { "npadhit","Number of paddles hit", "fNPaddlesHit"}, { "ishit", "Is Hit", "fIsHit"}, { "yhitpattern" , "Y-position hit pattern", "fYHitPattern"}, //ANALYZER TREE VARIABLES //src: /////////////////////////// Int_t THaBPM::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "rawcur.1", "current in antenna 1", "GetRawSignal0()"}, { "rawcur.2", "current in antenna 2", "GetRawSignal1()"}, { "rawcur.3", "current in antenna 3", "GetRawSignal2()"}, { "rawcur.4", "current in antenna 4", "GetRawSignal3()"}, { "x", "reconstructed x-position", "fPosition.fX"}, { "y", "reconstructed y-position", "fPosition.fY"}, { "z", "reconstructed z-position", "fPosition.fZ"}, { "rotpos1", "position in bpm system","GetRotPosX()"}, { "rotpos2", "position in bpm system","GetRotPosY()"}, /////////////////////////////// Int_t THaCherenkov::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "nthit", "Number of Left paddles TDC times", "fNThit" }, { "nahit", "Number of Right paddles TDC times", "fNAhit" }, { "t", "TDC values", "fT" }, { "t_c", "Corrected TDC values", "fT_c" }, { "a", "ADC values", "fA" }, { "a_p", "Ped-subtracted ADC values ", "fA_p" }, { "a_c", "Corrected ADC values", "fA_c" }, { "asum_p", "Sum of ADC minus pedestal values", "fASUM_p" }, { "asum_c", "Sum of corrected ADC amplitudes", "fASUM_c" }, { "trx", "x-position of track in det plane", "fTRX" }, { "try", "y-position of track in det plane", "fTRY" }, ///////////////////// Int_t THaCoincTime::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "d_trig","Measured TDC start+delay of spec 2 (1), by spec 1 (2)", "fdTdc" }, { "ntr1", "Number of tracks in first spec.", "fNTr1" }, { "ntr2", "Number of tracks in first spec.", "fNTr2" }, { "vx_t1", "Time of track from spec1 at target vertex", "fVxTime1" }, { "vx_t2", "Time of track from spec2 at target vertex", "fVxTime2" }, { "ncomb", "Number of track combinations considered", "fNtimes" }, { "ct_2by1", "Coinc. ti mes of tracks, d_trig from spec 1", "fDiffT2by1" }, { "ct_1by2", "Coinc. times of tracks, d_trig from spec 2", "fDiffT1by2" }, { "trind1", "Track indices for spec1 match entries in ct_*", "fTrInd1" }, { "trind2", "Track indices for spec2 match entries in ct_*", "fTrInd2" }, ///////////////////// Int_t THaPrimaryKine::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "Q2", "4-momentum transfer squared (GeV^2)", "fQ2" }, { "omega", "Energy transfer (GeV)", "fOmega" }, { "nu", "Energy transfer (GeV)", "fOmega" }, { "W2", "Invariant mass of recoil system (GeV^2)", "fW2" }, { "x_bj", "Bjorken x", "fXbj" }, { "angle", "Scattering angle (rad)", "fScatAngle" }, { "epsilon", "Virtual photon polarization factor", "fEpsilon" }, { "q3m", "Magnitude of 3-momentum transfer", "fQ3mag" }, { "th_q", "Theta of 3-momentum vector (rad)", "fThetaQ" }, { "ph_q", "Phi of 3-momentum vector (rad)", "fPhiQ" }, ///////////////////// Int_t THaRaster::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "rawcur.x", "current in horizontal raster", "GetRawPosX()" }, { "rawcur.y", "current in vertical raster", "GetRawPosY()"}, { "rawslope.x", "derivative of current in horizontal raster", "GetRawSlopeX()" }, { "rawslope.y", "derivative of current in vertical raster", "GetRawSlopeY()"}, { "bpma.x", "reconstructed x-position at 1st bpm", "GetPosBPMAX()"}, { "bpma.y", "reconstructed y-position at 1st bpm", "GetPosBPMAY()"}, { "bpma.z", "reconstructed z-position at 1st bpm", "GetPosBPMAZ()"}, { "bpmb.x", "reconstructed x-position at 2nd bpm", "GetPosBPMBX()"}, { "bpmb.y", "reconstructed y-position at 2nd bpm", "GetPosBPMBY()"}, { "bpmb.z", "reconstructed z-position at 2nd bpm", "GetPosBPMBZ()"}, { "target.x", "reconstructed x-position at nom. interaction point", "GetPosTarX()"}, { "target.y", "reconstructed y-position at nom. interaction point", "GetPosTarY()"}, { "target.z", "reconstructed z-position at nom. interaction point", "GetPosTarZ()"}, { "target.dir.x", "reconstructed x-component of beam direction", "fDirection.fX"}, { "target.dir.y", "reconstructed y-component of beam direction", "fDirection.fY"}, { "target.dir.z", "reconstructed z-component of beam direction", "fDirection.fZ"}, ////////////////////// Int_t THaScintillator::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "nlthit", "Number of Left paddles TDC times", "fLTNhit" }, { "nrthit", "Number of Right paddles TDC times", "fRTNhit" }, { "nlahit", "Number of Left paddles ADCs amps", "fLANhit" }, { "nrahit", "Number of Right paddles ADCs amps", "fRANhit" }, { "lt", "TDC values left side", "fLT" }, { "lt_c", "Corrected times left side", "fLT_c" }, { "rt", "TDC values right side", "fRT" }, { "rt_c", "Corrected times right side", "fRT_c" }, { "la", "ADC values left side", "fLA" }, { "la_p", "Corrected ADC values left side", "fLA_p" }, { "la_c", "Corrected ADC values left side", "fLA_c" }, { "ra", "ADC values right side", "fRA" }, { "ra_p", "Corrected ADC values right side", "fRA_p" }, { "ra_c", "Corrected ADC values right side", "fRA_c" }, { "nthit", "Number of paddles with l&r TDCs", "fNhit" }, { "t_pads", "Paddles with l&r coincidence TDCs", "fHitPad" }, { "y_t", "y-position from timing (m)", "fYt" }, { "y_adc", "y-position from amplitudes (m)", "fYa" }, { "time", "Time of hit at plane (s)", "fTime" }, { "dtime", "Est. uncertainty of time (s)", "fdTime" }, { "troff", "Trigger offset for paddles", "fTrigOff"}, { "trn", "Number of tracks for hits", "GetNTracks()" }, { "trx", "x-position of track in det plane", "fTrackProj.THaTrackProj.fX" }, { "try", "y-position of track in det plane", "fTrackProj.THaTrackProj.fY" }, { "trpath", "TRCS pathlen of track to det plane","fTrackProj.THaTrackProj.fPathl" }, { "trdx", "track deviation in x-position (m)", "fTrackProj.THaTrackProj.fdX" }, { "trpad", "paddle-hit associated with track", "fTrackProj.THaTrackProj.fChannel" }, ////////////////////////////////////// Int_t THaSecondaryKine::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "th_xq", "Polar angle of detected particle with q (rad)", "fTheta_xq" }, { "ph_xq", "Azimuth of detected particle with scattering plane (rad)", "fPhi_xq" }, { "th_bq", "Polar angle of recoil system with q (rad)", "fTheta_bq" }, { "ph_bq", "Azimuth of recoil system with scattering plane (rad)", "fPhi_bq" }, { "xangle", "Angle of detected particle with scattered electron (rad)", "fXangle" }, { "pmiss", "Missing momentum magnitude (GeV), nuclear physics definition (-pB)", "fPmiss" }, { "pmiss_x", "x-component of p_miss wrt q (GeV)", "fPmiss_x" }, { "pmiss_y", "y-component of p_miss wrt q (GeV)", "fPmiss_y" }, { "pmiss_z", "z-component of p_miss, along q (GeV)", "fPmiss_z" }, { "emiss", "Missing energy (GeV), nuclear physics definition " "omega-Tx-Tb", "fEmiss" }, { "Mrecoil", "Invariant mass of recoil system (GeV)", "fMrecoil" }, { "Erecoil", "Total energy of recoil system (GeV)", "fErecoil" }, { "tx", "Kinetic energy of detected particle (GeV)", "fTX" }, { "tb", "Kinetic energy of recoil system (GeV)", "fTB" }, { "px_cm", "Magnitude of X momentum in CM system (GeV)", "fPX_cm" }, { "thx_cm", "Polar angle of X in CM system wrt q (rad)", "fTheta_x_cm" }, { "phx_cm", "Azimuth of X in CM system wrt q (rad)", "fPhi_x_cm" }, { "thb_cm", "Polar angle of recoil systm in CM wrt q (rad)", "fTheta_b_cm" }, { "phb_cm", "Azimuth of recoil system in CM wrt q (rad)", "fPhi_b_cm" }, { "tx_cm", "Kinetic energy of X in CM (GeV)", "fTX_cm" }, { "tb_cm", "Kinetic energy of B in CM (GeV)", "fTB_cm" }, { "t_tot_cm", "Total CM kinetic energy", "fTtot_cm" }, { "MandelS", "Mandelstam s for secondary vertex (GeV^2)", "fMandelS" }, { "MandelT", "Mandelstam t for secondary vertex (GeV^2)", "fMandelT" }, { "MandelU", "Mandelstam u for secondary vertex (GeV^2)", "fMandelU" }, /////////////////////// Int_t THaShower::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "nhit", "Number of hits", "fNhits" }, { "a", "Raw ADC amplitudes", "fA" }, { "a_p", "Ped-subtracted ADC amplitudes", "fA_p" }, { "a_c", "Calibrated ADC amplitudes", "fA_c" }, { "asum_p", "Sum of ped-subtracted ADCs", "fAsum_p" }, { "asum_c", "Sum of calibrated ADCs", "fAsum_c" }, { "nclust", "Number of clusters", "fNclust" }, { "e", "Energy (MeV) of largest cluster", "fE" }, { "x", "x-position (cm) of largest cluster", "fX" }, { "y", "y-position (cm) of largest cluster", "fY" }, { "mult", "Multiplicity of largest cluster", "fMult" }, { "nblk", "Numbers of blocks in main cluster", "fNblk" }, { "eblk", "Energies of blocks in main cluster", "fEblk" }, { "trx", "track x-position in det plane", "fTRX" }, { "try", "track y-position in det plane", "fTRY" }, ////////////////// Int_t THaTotalShower::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "e", "Energy (MeV) of largest cluster", "fE" }, { "id", "ID of Psh&Sh coincidence (1==good)", "fID" }, //////////////////// Int_t THaVDCPlane::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "nhit", "Number of hits", "GetNHits()" }, { "wire", "Active wire numbers", "fHits.THaVDCHit.GetWireNum()" }, { "rawtime","Raw TDC values of wires", "fHits.THaVDCHit.fRawTime" }, { "time", "TDC values of active wires", "fHits.THaVDCHit.fTime" }, { "dist", "Drift distances", "fHits.THaVDCHit.fDist" }, { "nclust", "Number of clusters", "GetNClusters()" }, { "clsiz", "Cluster sizes", "fClusters.THaVDCCluster.fSize" }, { "clpivot","Cluster pivot wire num", "fClusters.THaVDCCluster.GetPivotWireNum()" }, { "clpos", "Cluster intercepts", "fClusters.THaVDCCluster.fInt" }, { "slope", "Cluster slopes", "fClusters.THaVDCCluster.fSlope" }, { "sigsl", "Cluster slope sigmas", "fClusters.THaVDCCluster.fSigmaSlope" }, { "sigpos", "Cluster position sigmas", "fClusters.THaVDCCluster.fSigmaInt" }, ///////////////////////// Int_t THaTwoarmVertex::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "x", "two-arm vertex x-position", "fVertex.fX" }, { "y", "two-arm vertex y-position", "fVertex.fY" }, { "z", "two-arm vertex z-position", "fVertex.fZ" }, //////////////////// Int_t THaSpectrometer::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "tr.n", "Number of tracks", "GetNTracks()" }, { "tr.x", "Track x coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fX" }, { "tr.y", "Track x coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fY" }, { "tr.th", "Tangent of track theta angle", "fTracks.THaTrack.fTheta" }, { "tr.ph", "Tangent of track phi angle", "fTracks.THaTrack.fPhi" }, { "tr.p", "Track momentum (GeV)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fP" }, { "tr.flag", "Track status flag", "fTracks.THaTrack.fFlag" }, { "tr.d_x", "Detector x coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDX" }, { "tr.d_y", "Detector y coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDY" }, { "tr.d_th", "Detector tangent of theta", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDTheta" }, { "tr.d_ph", "Detector tangent of phi", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDPhi" }, { "tr.r_x", "Rotated x coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fRX" }, { "tr.r_y", "Rotated y coordinate (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.fRY" }, { "tr.r_th", "Rotated tangent of theta", "fTracks.THaTrack.fRTheta" }, { "tr.r_ph", "Rotated tangent of phi", "fTracks.THaTrack.fRPhi" }, { "tr.tg_y", "Target y coordinate", "fTracks.THaTrack.fTY"}, { "tr.tg_th", "Tangent of target theta angle", "fTracks.THaTrack.fTTheta"}, { "tr.tg_ph", "Tangent of target phi angle", "fTracks.THaTrack.fTPhi"}, { "tr.tg_dp", "Target delta", "fTracks.THaTrack.fDp"}, { "tr.px", "Lab momentum x (GeV)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetLabPx()"}, { "tr.py", "Lab momentum y (GeV)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetLabPy()"}, { "tr.pz", "Lab momentum z (GeV)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetLabPz()"}, { "tr.vx", "Vertex x (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetVertexX()"}, { "tr.vy", "Vertex y (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetVertexY()"}, { "tr.vz", "Vertex z (m)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetVertexZ()"}, { "tr.pathl", "Pathlength from tg to fp (m)","fTracks.THaTrack.GetPathLen()"}, { "tr.time", "Time of track@Ref Plane (s)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetTime()"}, { "tr.dtime", "uncer of time (s)", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetdTime()"}, { "tr.beta", "Beta of track", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetBeta()"}, { "tr.dbeta", "uncertainty of beta", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetdBeta()"}, { "status", "Bits of completed analysis stages", "fStagesDone" }, /////////////////// Int_t THaDecData::SetupDecData( const TDatime* run_time, EMode mode ) { "evtypebits", "event type bit pattern", "evtypebits" }, { "evtype", "event type from bit pattern", "evtype" }, { "ctimel", "coincidence time on L-arm", "ctimel" }, { "ctimer", "coincidence time on R-arm", "ctimer" }, { "pulser1", "pulser in a TDC", "pulser1" }, { "synchadc1", "synch check adc 1", "synchadc1" }, { "synchadc2", "synch check adc 2", "synchadc2" }, { "synchadc3", "synch check adc 3", "synchadc3" }, { "synchadc4", "synch check adc 4", "synchadc4" }, { "synchadc14", "synch check adc 14", "synchadc14" }, { "times100k", "100kHz time stamp", "timestamp" }, { "timeroc1", "time stamp roc 1", "timeroc1" }, { "timeroc2", "time stamp roc 2", "timeroc2" }, { "timeroc3", "time stamp roc 3", "timeroc3" }, { "timeroc4", "time stamp roc 4", "timeroc4" }, { "timeroc14", "time stamp roc 14", "timeroc14" }, { "rftime1", "RF time copy 1", "rftime1" }, { "rftime2", "RF time copy 2", "rftime2" }, { "edtpl", "EDT pulser on L-arm", "edtpl" }, { "edtpr", "EDT pulser on R-arm", "edtpr" }, { "lenroc12", "ROC12 event length", "lenroc12" }, { "lenroc16", "ROC16 event length", "lenroc16" }, ////////////////////// Int_t THaGoldenTrack::DefineVariables( EMode mode ) { "x", "Target x coordinate", "fX"}, { "y", "Target y coordinate", "fY"}, { "th", "Tangent of target theta angle", "fTheta"}, { "ph", "Tangent of target phi angle", "fPhi"}, { "dp", "Target delta", "fDp"}, { "p", "Lab momentum x (GeV)", "fP"}, { "px", "Lab momentum x (GeV)", "GetPx()"}, { "py", "Lab momentum y (GeV)", "GetPy()"}, { "pz", "Lab momentum z (GeV)", "GetPz()"}, { "ok", "Data valid status flag (1=ok)", "fOK" }, { "index", "Index of Golden Track", "fIndex" }, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hana_decode: THaEvData::THaEvData() { "runnum", "Run number", kInt, 0, &run_num }, { "runtype", "CODA run type", kInt, 0, &run_type }, { "runtime", "CODA run time", kUInt, 0, &run_time }, { "evnum", "Event number", kInt, 0, &event_num }, { "evtyp", "Event type", kInt, 0, &event_type }, { "evlen", "Event Length", kInt, 0, &event_length }, { "helicity", "Beam helicity", kDouble, 0, &dhel }, { "timestamp", "Timestamp", kDouble, 0, &dtimestamp }, ///////////////////