How To, Tools, and Documentation Page for the SRC Family of Experiments

For the Spring 2011 Run Period

Table of Contents for Shift Crew

Table of Contents for Experts


CODA restart instructions

If CODA has crashed or if there is some reason to restart CODA (such as one of the crates is causing reset errors) then perform the following steps:

Further CODA troubleshooting

Below are possible errors and their solutions

If CODA says it can't connect to the msql database

If a pop up says that a component is needing or creating a reset

This is the newest version of CODA and as such there may be issues. If there are any issues please e-mail and report them so that this page can be updated.


BigBite and RHRS Lecroy High-voltage (HV) GUI


Scaler GUI Control

To Open the scaler GUI in the Counting House here are the steps:


CAMAC Threshold Control

To Check the Thresholds for the bbite Weldment here are the steps:

To Set the thresholds it is similar to the top except the flag g is replaced with s and values follow

Example Below


EVe Tracking GUI

Make sure you start the analyzer from /adaqfs/home/adaq/e07006/HallATest as the rootlogon.C is there.

The rootlogon.C loads in the necessary libraries for HAND, BBite, and the EVe tracking gui.

Once in the analyzer the proper syntax is:

Once the GUI is open just follow the on screen directions


N->Delta Charge Sum

The script ~adaq/ sums up the BCM U3 and D3 charges
collected for a range of runs. The information is taken from the end-of-run records.


  ~adaq/ startrunnumber endrunnumber


CAMAC Crate Map


E/dE Trigger Plane
Slot(s)Module TypeUse
1 - 3LeCroy 3412 Disc. E Plane BB
5 - 6ECL FanoutE/dE Trigger
9 - 10 LeCroy 4516 LogicE/dE Trigger
11CAEN I/O RegisterE/dE Trigger Plane
125408 DAC
14LeCroy 4518 DelayE/dE Trigger Plane
15ECL Programmable Width FanoutE/dE Trigger Plane
17-18LeCroy 3412 Disc. dE Trigger
21 - 23LeCroy 3412 Disc. dE


Slot(s)Module TypeUse
1LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Veto Left
4LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Veto Left
6LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 1 Left
8LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 1 Left
10LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 2 Left
13LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 2 Right
15LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 1 Right
18LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 1 Right
20LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Veto Right
22LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Veto Right


Slot(s)Module TypeUse
2LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 2 Left
4LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 3 Left
6LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layers 3 & 4 Left
8LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layers 4 & 5 Left
10LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 6 Left
13LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 6 Right
16LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layers 4 & 5 Right
18LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layers 3 & 4 Right
20LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 3 Right
22LeCroy 4413 Disc. HAND Layer 2 Right


IP Addresses of the SRC family components

Host NameIP AddressFunction
bbsfi1129.57.192.4ADCs and TDCs for HAND (ROC 8)
bbsfi2129.57.192.3TDCs for the MWDC for Hadron Package (ROC 9)
bbsfi3129.57.192.6TDCs for the MWDC for Hadron Package (ROC10)
bbts1129.57.192.8Trigger Supervisor for SRC family of experiments (TS BigBite)
bbvme1129.57.192.5ADCs and TDCs for Hadron Package trigger plane
bbps2129.57.192.52Port Server supporting the ROCs in the BigBite Weldment
dvcstlab1129.57.192.76Port Server supporting the HV crates in the BigBite Weldment
bbps1129.57.192.43Bubbler Camera (HTML Interface)
bbcamac1129.57.192.9Trigger Plane Disc. and Logic
bbcamac2129.57.192.67HAND Veto/Layer 1 and 2 Disc.
bbcamac3129.57.192.71HAND Layers 2, 3, 4 ,5, and 6 Disc.
SRCDAQ129.57.192.86Computer attached to the bigbite weldment


HV Cable Map for HAND and the BigBite Handron package

Please send me the mapping of these as soon as possible. Thank You


Shift Checkout List

Please get me a copy of this as soon as possible... Thanks...


Problems with the ROCs Booting

If you're having trouble with one of the bigbite weldment ROCs (bbts1, 5, 8, 9, 10) booting please make sure the following parameters are correct

In the Component window if the prompt is '->' then:

If the prompt looks like [VxWorks] do the same as above except type c (lower case) instead of bootChnage


Moving the spectrometer

To move the spectrometer go to the Hall A Tools screen of the shift leader computer


Crate Reset

The following is how to reset the crates from the hareboot screens if the crates are not responding by Telnet








  • Log into an adaq machine using the adaq account ssh adaq@adaqln where n=1-10
  • Run "crate_reset roc8" for example to reset roc8
  • If you get the error: "CMD:ERR"
  • ==============================================================================