On-Line Analysis

Logon to adaql1 or adaql3 as user adaq

Type: goespace

Now you are in the espace directory to run the replay.

Detector Replay

  1. type:

  2. > espace
  3. then type

  4. > exec ek/e97110_det
    give the run number and analyse about 50000 events.
  5. when the replay is done, run paw++ and type:

  6. > exec pk/e97110_detector


Physics Replay

  1. type:

  2. > espace
  3. then type

  4. > exec ek/e97110_phys
    give the run number and analyse at least 1M events.
  5. when the replay is done, run paw++ and type:

  6. > exec pk/e97110_phys
    A ps file of all displayed histograms is saved in the directory ps.

(last updated: 04/22/2003, maintained by Vincent Sulkosky)