Transversity Collaboration Meeting

(Oct.09, 2007 at JLab L102/104)

 9:00-9:15    2008 schedule and 6GeV operation. -- Larry Cardman

 9:15-9:30    Discussions.

 9:30-9:40    RICH update.-- Evaristo Cisbani (.pdf)

 9:40-10:00    shower block calibration, trigger and DAQ. -- Kalyan Allada (.pdf)

 10:00-10:10    Preshower block update. -- Albert Shahinyan

 10:10-10:20    BigBite chamber-2 test preparations, and next stage of chamber test.-- Xin Qian (.pdf)

 10:20-10:30     --Coffee break--

 10:30-11:00    BigBite electron package, frame design.-- Macon Hodges
             wire chamber preAmp cards, delivery date -- Doug Higinbotham

 11:00-11:20    chamber1+chamber3 repair preparation and schedule. Gas Cherenkov hardware progress and schedule.-- Brad Sawatzky (.pdf)

 11:20-11:40    progress on tracking code -- Ole Hansen

 11:40-12:00    milestone check and updates, short term goals. -- Xiaodong Jiang (.pdf)

 12:00-12:30    Discussion: BigBite detector work in the test lab.

 12:30-14:00    -- Lunch break --

 14:00-14:30    Polarized target design progress and target design discussions. -- Alan Gavalya/Jian-ping Chen

 14:30-14:45    BigBite design and discussions and Items for BigBite design-- Al Gavalya/Xiaodong Jiang

 14:45-15:05    Target lab progress, cell production. -- Joe Katich/Todd Averett

 15:05-15:25    conclusions on magnetic field measurements. Systematic control, target spin-flip. -- Yi Qiang(.pdf)

 15:25-15:35    --Coffee break--

 15:35-15:50    HAPPEX's plan on luminosity monitors and beam-charge feed-back. -- Dustin McNulty

 15:50-17:00   Discussion of work schedule/manpower/responsibility and collaboration issues.

 17:00    Adjourn