Minutes for March 13, 2006 transversity on-site meeting. Attending: Doug, Brad,Xiaodong, Huan, Xin and Tim. Minute typed by Xin and Xiaodong 1. Xiaodong talked about the floor plan. Now the floor plan take all five experiment into consideration. In order to reduce the background, we want to enlarge the downstream pipe (enough room, GEN improve their background significantly by blocking the particle coming from this direction). We can consider making this section of pipe 6" rather than 3.25" now (lead to a relatively larger window). Xiaodong send a list of BigBite design items to Al. Then Xiaodong talked about the options for transversity optics calibration, by using p(e,e') inclusive elastics events. The coincidence (e,e'p) coincident events can be a few Hz level. He said that he would go through all the BigBite hardware interferences with Al. 2. JP and Todd will list the target design items for Al. Jen-Chieh comes to JLab this Thursday for 10 days. 3. Doug said that we have all the new pre-amplifier electronics cards in order (lack of ~$4K). We need to make a good shielding (need to consider the weight of the shielding hut). 4. Brad and Doug talked about the TDCs. Brad will make an effort to find out if we can make the CAEN TDCs work, with beam. CAEN TDC will allow 2.5 times more BigBite singles data to be recorded compare with using FastBus TDCs. 5. Tim and Xiaodong talked about the LUMI detector. Bryan Moffit run HAPPEX DAQ and checked the Lumi on Sunday, see halog entry 166341. Tim mentioned that we will modify Happex DAQ to read in BigBite scalers. 6. Xin finished the background simulation for 1.5 and 2.6 GeV beam energy. The results with 1 keV cut are consistent with data within a factor of 2. He showed some plots from the analyzed data for carbon, p(e,e') and p(e,e'p) elastic data. yt resolution is rather good. It is hopeful that p(e,e') inclusive events can be used to obtain BigBite momentum calibration for transversity. Work in progress. A few plots of Xin's analysis of Gen data can be found at: www.jlab.org/~xqian/GENana