c c Spectrometer transfer functions based on retune_dir.dat Right arm with c Q1/Q2 as a pair 80 cm forward. SNAKE has been modified to give the "correct" c transverse properties c 3/11/09 -jjl c c c typical call: answer = function(x,5) c INPUTS: x = 5 or more element array c x(1)=x0 (meters) (used +-0.001 m for fits) c x(2)=theta0 (really tan(theta0)) c x(3)=y0 (meters) (used +-0.050 m for fits) c x(4)=phi0 (really tan(phi0)) c x(5)=delta (fractional value NOT percent) c M=5 c c OUTPUT: units are the same as inputs c c NOMENCLATURE: function name = prefix + _rf_ +suffix c prefixes: x means xfinal c t means thetafinal c y means yfinal c p means phifinal c l means pathlength difference from central trajectory c c suffixes: fp means target to focus c q1ex means target to Q1 exit c dent means target to Dipole entrance c dext means target to dipole exit c q3en means target to Q3 entrance c q3ex means target to Q3 exit c c _rf_ is for right forward c c The Apertures: c Q1 exit is a circle of radius 0.1492 m (as measured by Makis) c Q3 entrance and exit are circles of radius 0.300 m c The dipole entrance and exit are trapezoids: c -0.40 m