HALL   A   PARITY   MEETING   June   13   2003

This file:   hallaweb.jlab.org/parity/jun2003     Author: Bob Michaels.   Updated 6/21/03

On June 13, 2003 we had a HAPPEX collaboration meeting at Jefferson Lab   Below are the talks, available online where appropriate, plus links to supplemental information. About the format: If you put your mouse on the link you may see it is a "ps", "pdf", or "ppt" file. These are respectively postscript, PDF, and powerpoint.

Status of Hall A Kees de Jager
Studies of Laser, Injector, and Beam Lisa Kaufman
Integrating Detectors Antonin Vacheret
DIS parity from deuterium at 6 GeV Xiaochao Zheng
Q2   Scanner Ross Hicks
DAQ and Parity Analyzer Bryan Moffit
Septum Doug Higinbotham
Lumi Monitor Riad Suleiman
Targets and Boiling and Tech note TN-03-017 David Armstrong
Summary of the Polarimetry Workshop with emphasis on Hall A. David Lhuillier
Update on the H-atom trap polarimeter Eugene Chudakov
Run and Test Plans Kent Paschke
Discussion Gordon Cates