Minutes SBS Meeting March 7, 2012 Attendees: Bogdan Wojtsekhowski, Charles Perdrisat, John LeRose, Nilanga Liyanage, Evaristo Cisbani, John Annand, Gordon Cates, Nikolay Piskunov, Oleg Gavrishchuk Brian Quinn, Vina Punjabi, Mark Jones, Vahe Mamyan 1. Vahe Mamyan presents a talk on Analysis of GEM Chamber Data from the Mainz Experiment a. See link for his slides b. Summary: i. Shows sketch of the test setup ii. Gives details of the track reconstruction 1. Gap in the middle of all 3 chambers is deliberate (wasn't connected) iii. Shows various diagnostic plots 1. Cluster size is different for the 3rd chamber compared to the 1st two. Not sure why. 2. APV25 shaping time. 80 nsec is OK. Why the long tails? Some speculative discussion follows. iv. ?2 calculation discussed at length. 1. Bogdan opposed. Mark in favor. 2. Brian suggests determining from the data (You have 3 hits. Use 2 to determine the accuracy of the 3rd) v. Reconstruction of the scintillator looks good. c. Nilanga asks about tracks with higher rate data (all shown was low rate). Vahe says he couldn't see tracks. This will require more work. i. What happens when you have multiple hits per plane? Will need to understand the high rate data to answer. 2. Bogdan Wojtsekhowski presents the Status of "SBS" a. See link for his slides b. Summary: i. Need more participation from PI's on various experiments ii. Gordon will coordinate the effort to get PI's more involved -JJL