Minutes for May 25, 2016 Present: Seamus, Adam Sarty, Dasuni Adikaram, Gordon Cates, John Annand, Rachael Montgomery, Andrew Puckett, Juan Carlos Cornejo, JLab * Presentation by Dasuni - ECal DAQ and Event switching Overview of FASTBUS inventory 9 out of 12 FASTBUS crates have been tested 2 of 9 CDet crates tested Event switching documented and preliminary tests done Working on Linux installation for CODA Overview of Event Switching and test setup Discussion of results on deadtime with event switching Non-buffered event switching shows ~5% improvement at few kHz trigger rate Buffered mode with event switching reduces deadtime by ~10% Results are in agreement with models More tests are planned over the next several months * Doug - Bigbite Readiness Overview of existing equipment for Bigbite (power supply, sieve) Cerenkov gas C4F10 is an issue and expensive (C4F8O totally out of production Plan is to stockpile, have British vendor Ordered fraction of what is needed Summary of electronics and cable inventories Space is an issue, Bigbite was going to the hall for Marathon and not clear where it will go right now. Manpower is also an issue (Tritium students not focused but there is a new Hall A postdoc) For readiness: Needs new OSPs - Discussion of previous magnet saftey issues Also needs other documents (at least drafts)