Minutes: SBS Meeting September 16, 2015 Agenda: Danning - GEM MPD DAQ status Attendees: Alexandre Camsonne, John Annand, Brian Quinn, Gregg Franklin, Mitra Hashemi Shabestari, Mark Jones, Bogdan Wojtsekhowski. Danning - GEM MPD DAQ status He reported on the status of the MPD work. The plan for the near future is to integrate MPD with CODA. He presented preliminary pedestal data and results. Bogdan - He asks whether they have sent the test signal. Alexandre/Danning pointed out that they haven't yet sent the test signal but planning to run the test. John - He asks about the time scale requiring NINOs for CDAQ. Bogdan mentioned that there were two cards at JLab and would need 28 modules. The Glasgow group has ordered 28 modules but not sure about how long would it take to get them.