Minutes: SBS Meeting May 8, 2013 Attendees: John LeRose, Alexandre Camsonne, Bogdan Wojtsekhowski, Nilanga Liyanage, Brian Quinn, Mark Jones, Adam Sarty, John Annand, Seamus Riordan, Kondo Gnanvo, Evaristo Cisbani, Mitra Hashemi Shabestari 1) Adam Sarty briefly discusses plans for student work on Fastbus/DAQ without NSERC funding 2) Kondo Gnanvo will have slides next week with details about work at UVa 3) Nilanga Liyanage: a) 2m x 50cm chamber looks good b) Says he will share the allotted time with Kondo at the collaboration meeting c) Says will also make an A1n presentation 4) Evaristo Cisbani says DESY tests with chambers at up to 1kG magnetic field are completed. Just starting analysis. 5) Collectively discussed collaboration meeting agenda and modifications to it. Alex will send an updated agenda to the collaboration. -JJL