MPS First Meeting 08 May 2008, List of Actions
- Prepare and submit the following new proposals to the January 2009 PAC:
- GEN (G. Cates)
- GMN (B. Quinn)
- Transversity (E. Cisbani, B. Wojtsekhowski)
- Prepare a Conceptual Design Report for MPS and organize a technical review
- Continue the efforts of the coordination board and working groups to explore new physics initiatives.
J. Annand will explore possibilities for high-energy pseudo-scalar and vector meson photoduction,
single and double polarization observables, and real compton scattering
- Prepare and submit the funding requests:
- MRI for the development and construction of the MPS and its Polarimeter Tracking (total funding 1.8 M$).
MRI will include all nucleon form factors.
MRI must be submitted by January 2009. (M. Khandaker, V. Punjabi)
- INFN-fund application for the development and realization of the MPS first tracker
and the development of the readout electronics (F. Garibaldi, E. Cisbani). Deadline July 2008
- Glasgow University actively exploring possibility of MPS related funding request
- Continue the GEM prototyping activity and organize the beam test;
Construct the GEANT4 model of the MPS (J. Annand)
- Present a summary of the meeting at the next Hall A collaboration meeting
- Next MPS meeting will be held in late August / beginning of September 2008 on:
- MPS CDR draft
- MRI submission
- PAC Proposal
- Possible additional physics