Pre-Beam Beamline Checks ------------------------ On Feb. 15, Doug Higinbotham along with the upcoming run coordinator Brad Sawatzky will complete the following check-list to ensure that all beamline devices have been tested as best they can without beam before the start of the experiment. Item Procedure Comments and Date Checked Harps Run Each Harp ARC Energy Run Scanner EP Activate System Moller Check with Eugine Compton Check with Nanda/Xiaochao Feedback Check with Paschke/Holmes BPM/BCM Check for Signals Beam Commissioning Items ------------------------- Starting Conditions Bean Energy 1.5 GeV Raster Off OTR Removed No Target 0) Beam Steering Tests (must repeat after pass change) A beam steering test will be conducted by MCC along with personnel from Hall A with Doug Higinbotham acting as the contact person. The beam steering effects of the new compensation magnet, the target magnet, and the BigBite will be determined. A detailed test plan has been submitted to ATLis (Accelerator Task List) and can be viewed at: This test can be done once 5 uA of CW beam has been sent to the Hall A dump and the spot can be seen on the dump viewer. 1) Beam Properties The following list of beam tests shall be perform at the start of the commissioning period. a) Harp Scans (greater than 100um^2 w/o Raster: If the harp scan reveals that the spot size is less than 100um^2, MCC will need to adjust the quadripoles in the Hall A line until the desired size is achived. b) Check Beam Position on BeO Target: If the beam position on the BeO does not agree with the BPM there could be a target offset and would need to be investigated. c) Check BPM vs. Harps: Harps and BPM should agree well within 1 mm. d) Check/Set Raster Size Use the raster++/spot++ code to check the size of the raster on target. Since in Hall A there are quadripole magnets between the raster system and the target, it is not unusual for the set size and the measured size on target to be significantly different. e) Do Beam Energy Measurements As Fits In The Schedule f) Bullseye Scan Once BigBite Working g) Beam "Parity" Controlled Software Checks 2) Beam Polarization (only with stable beam) Hall A has two devices to measure the beam polarization. At the very least, one measurement of beam polarization must have been successfully completed before beam is delivered for physics. Beyond a successfull polarization measurement, we also need to make sure that the helicity information is correctly entering the data stream. a) Moller Measurements -- Eugene Chudakov b) Compton Measurements -- Sirish Nanda/Xiaochao Zheng (parasitic once setup)