He3 QuasiElastic experiments

running from April 20 to June 15th, 2009

If you need to be target operator trained please contact JP Chen

Run coordinators :
22 April - 29 April Brad Sawatzky (Temple)
29 April - 06 May Peter Monaghan (Hampton)
06 May - 11 May Yi Qiang (Duke)
11 May - 20 May Seamus Riordan (UVa)
20 May - 27 May Ramesh Subedi (UVa)
27 May - 03 June Alex Camsonne (JLab)
03 June - 10 June Bo Zhao (W&M)
10 June - 15 June Vince Sulkosky (MIT)

Run cordinator cell : 757 876 1787 Run cordinator pager : 757 584 5411 Program deputy : 757 876 7997

The required number of shifts for this experiment was set to 7.

The shift are manually processed to avoid junk users to sign-up please allow a few hours for the shift schedule to be updated after your request.
If you plan to swap shifts to other empty slots.
Please sign up first using the standard sign-up page and send a mail to Alexandre Camsonne to have the other shifts removed.


[Sign up]

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