# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Transversity Physics Replay On Line Display Configuration File # Author : Jin Huang # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Configuration file for the online GUI # This file is for detectors on L-arm. # This file uses histograms, best for analyzer version >= 1.1 # # All lines containing "#" are treated as comments (ignored) # Last line MUST be blank. # Multiple spaces are treated as one space. # More details in README #goldenrootfile ./golden_phys.root # D:2747 #goldenrootfile ROOTfiles/e04007_det_2747.root # C: 2683 #goldenrootfile ROOTfiles/e05102_R_21157.root #goldenrootfile ROOTfiles/e05102_R_21198.root #goldenrootfile ROOTfiles/e05102_R_21263.root #goldenrootfile ROOTfiles/e05102_R_21393.root #goldenrootfile ROOTfiles/e05102_R_21693.root #goldenrootfile ROOTfiles/e05102_R_21710.root goldenrootfile ROOTfiles/e05102_R_21819.root protorootfile ROOTfiles/e05102_R_XXXXX.root #protorootfile ROOTfiles/e05102_phys_XXXXX.root # newpage 2 2 logy # title L-arm S0 (only for ep XS) # Ls0a1 # Ls0a2 # Ls0t1 # Ls0t2 # ----------------------- # Event Flag # ----------------------- newpage 1 1 logy title Event type distribution EvType # ----------------------- # Momentum/Vertex # ----------------------- newpage 1 2 title Momentum and Vertex ExTgtCor_R.dp>>htemp(500,-0.07,0.07) GoodRTrack -tree T -title "Deviation from Central Momentum" ReactPt_R.z>>hVzL(200,-0.2,0.2) GoodRTrack -tree T -title "RHRS React Z" # --------------------------------- # Right HRS GC and Shower # --------------------------------- newpage 1 2 title Total Shower PS vs SH (w/o and w/ Gas Cerenkov Cut) R.ps.e:R.sh.e>>hVzPsvsShT1(100,0,2000,100,0,2500) GoodRTrack&&InclusiveEvt&&R.sh.e>0&&R.ps.e>0 -tree T -type colz R.ps.e:R.sh.e>>hVzPsvsShT1Tr(100,0,2000,100,0,2500) InclCut&&R.sh.e>0&&R.ps.e>0 -tree T -type colz newpage 1 2 logy title PID Detectors (Loose Cuts) R.cer.asum_c>>hGasCer(200,1,3500) GoodRTrack&&InclusiveEvt&&R.cer.asum_c>0. -tree T -title "Right HRS Gas Cerenkov" prl_E_P>>hprlep(500,0,3.5) GoodRTrack&&InclusiveEvt&&R.ps.e>0.&&R.sh.e>0. -tree T -title "Energy Over Momentum" newpage 1 2 logy title PID Detectors (Good Electrons) R.cer.asum_c>>hGasCer(200,1,3500) InclCut -tree T -title "Right HRS Gas Cerenkov" totsh_E_P>>hprlep(500,0,3.5) InclCut&&R.ps.e>0.&&R.sh.e>0.&&prl_E_P>0.2 -tree T -title "Energy Over Momentum" # ----------------------- # Spin Heli # ----------------------- newpage 1 3 logy title Helicity g0hel -stat adchel -stat heldiff # newpage 2 3 logy # title Spin Signal Validity # he3SpinValid -nostat # he3SpinLADC1Valid -nostat # he3SpinLADC2Valid -nostat # he3SpinBBBitValid -nostat # he3SpinBBADCValid -nostat # newpage 2 3 logy # title Spin State(+-1 or 0), Ask Target Operator! # he3Spin -nostat -noshowgolden # he3SpinLADC1 -nostat -noshowgolden # he3SpinLADC2 -nostat -noshowgolden # he3SpinBBBit -nostat -noshowgolden # he3SpinBBADC -nostat -noshowgolden # newpage 2 2 # title Scattering Kinematics # physScatAngle # physQ3m # physNu # physQ2 #newpage 2 2 # title DIS Kinematics # physInvMass # physX # physY # physZ # ----------------------- # Inclusive Events # ----------------------- newpage 1 3 title Inclusive Scattering Kinematics InclScatAngle InclQ3m InclNu newpage 1 3 title Inclusive DIS Kinematics InclQ2 InclInvMass InclX newpage 1 3 title Inclusive DIS x Correlations InclXW -type colz -nostat -noshowgolden InclXQ2 -type colz -nostat -noshowgolden InclXNu -type colz -nostat -noshowgolden