! this is bodos database for bpm and raster stuff, could be done much nicer ! do not change the ordering, without proper knowledge ! do not add comments between the [identifier] and the necessary lines ! comments are only allowed after one block finishes and before the next ! block starts with its [identifier] [BPMA_detmap] 1 2 1 23 16 19 1881 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 [BPMB_detmap] 1 2 1 23 20 23 1881 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 [Raster_detmap] 1 2 1 23 25 25 1881 1 2 1 23 24 24 1881 1 2 1 23 26 27 1881 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! lines for the raster, z-pos, freq x and y, pedestal for derivative ! ! Rastered beam ! z-pos for first bpm ! z-pos for second bpm ! z-pos for reference point (should be zero = target) ! last three lines are offx/y,amplx/y,slopex/y for bpma,bpmb,target ! those last three lines are very time dependent, the need to be ! adjusted for each run, eventually even more often [Raster] -23.0 18.3 18.3 0 0 1633 1643 -7.517 -2.378 0.0 -0.0094412607 0.0098340814 2.79484857142857e-06 -3.97039571428571e-06 0. 0. -0.0129386643 0.0148365714 3.34559571428571e-06 -5.22532e-06 0. 0. -0.0116210929 0.0172683571 2.70892428571429e-06 -5.841625e-06 0. 0. ! bpma lines ! z-pos, calib-const,phase-difference to raster ! 4 pedestals ! linear trafo (2*2 matrix and offset vector) [BPMA] -7.3517 0.01887 1.1 1.1 615 543 393 406 0.662394 -0.679424 0.662499 0.676307 0.000126509 -0.000589413 ! ditto for bpmb [BPMB] -2.378 0.01887 1.1 1.1 524 490 493 545 0.629603 -0.860538 0.684910 0.859816 0.005897721 -0.006984258 ! this is the end ... ! not of the world, but of this file ! Have fun and dont be distracted by the nice weather outside