Momentum Transfer SquaredQ2(GeV/c)2
Center-of-Momentum EnergyWMeV
Recoil Proton CoM Angleθpq*degrees
Initial Electron EnergyE0MeV
HRSe Left
HRSp Right
Electron MassmeMeV/c2
Proton MassmpMeV/c2
Pion MassmπMeV/c2

Initial Electron MomentumP0MeV/c
Scattered Electron EnergyEeMeV
Scattered Electron MomentumPeMeV/c
Scattered Electron Angleθedegrees
Virtual Photon EnergyωMeV
Virtual Photon MomentumqMeV/c
Virtual Photon Angleθqdegrees
Recoil Proton EnergyEpMeV
Recoil Proton MomentumPpMeV/c
Recoil Proton Angle (relative to q)θpqdegrees
Recoil Proton Angle (lab)θpdegrees
Recoil Pion EnergyEπMeV
Recoil Pion MomentumPπMeV/c
Recoil Pion Angle (relative to q)θπqdegrees
Recoil Pion Angle (lab)θπdegrees
Relativistic Correction Factorγ
Center-of-Momentum Frame Speed (lab)β
Virtual Photon COM Energyω*MeV
Virtual Photon COM Momentumq*MeV/c
Initial Proton CoM EnergyE0*MeV
Initial Proton CoM MomentumP0*MeV/c
Recoil Proton CoM EnergyEp*MeV
Recoil Proton CoM MomentumPp*MeV/c
Recoil Pion CoM EnergyEπ*MeV
Recoil Pion CoM MomentumPπ*MeV/c
Recoil Pion CoM Angleθπq*degrees