Epics and Scaler Information in the E89044 Data Files

In /work/halla/e89044/disk2/kuss/nonCoda you will find two directories. ./epics contains files <datafile>.epics which contain the EPICS event information of the corresponding <datafile>, ./scaler is similar except for the scaler events.
These files were created by ~kuss/bin/SunOS/epics, which was running permanently on adaql2 since beginning of March. Files taken before were analyzed from either the work disks (if found there) or requested from the silo and analyzed. I checked that all files were completely analyzed. However, for the files copied to the work disks by other users I don't know if they were copied completely to the disk, e.g. the disk may have been full or the copy process was terminated for any reason.
The information contained in these files is conveniently accessible by two scripts.

Please note that both scripts don't perform any data manipulation, they just extract the numbers they find in the files. After you have piped the script's output into a file you may want to consider further treatment. Currently, I think of two:
Michael Kuss, May 24, 2000