Target EPICS Variables in the Run-End Statements and in the Data Stream

A subset of the EPICS variables which read Hall A cryotarget information are displayed in the run-end halog entries, and are part of the epics events which are appended to the data stream about every 8 seconds. Below you will find a list of the hardware names and the connected sensor. The figure will give you the location of the temperature sensors in the loop and the pressure transducers in the gaspanel.

haBDSPOS lifter position
haL1_Fan_frequency_R loop 1 fan / Hz
haL3_Fan_frequency_R loop 3 fan / Hz
haSC200_6_Sensor_1_R PT255 / psi
haSC200_6_Sensor_2_R PT267 / psi
haSC200_6_Sensor_3_R PT265 / psi
haSC200_6_Sensor_4_R PT259 / psi
haHe_Omega_DPG_Sensor_RDPT269 / psi not calibrated
haITC502_1_Sensor_1_R CT97 / K
haITC502_1_Sensor_2_R CT96 / K
haITC502_1_Sensor_3_R CT93 / K
haITC502_4_Sensor_1_R CT94 / K
haITC502_4_Sensor_2_R CT105 / K
haITC502_4_Sensor_3_R CT116 / K
haITC502_5_Sensor_1_R CT171 / K
haITC502_5_Sensor_2_R CT170 / K
haITC502_5_Sensor_3_R lead target / K
haITC502_6_Sensor_1_R CT168 / K
haITC502_6_Sensor_2_R CT169 / K
haITC502_6_Sensor_3_R not connected

The snapshot was taken when the target was warm.

pressure transducers

In December, the pressure transducers were not shielded. After a few days of high beam, they started to drift, and their readings are essentially not usable. Before the experiment started, the target was filled up to 112.1 psi. The first logged reading (in e89044_1293.dat.0) was 109.5 psi. I don't know if this was a miscalibration or already radiation damage. It should be ok to assume that the target pressure was 112 psi trough December.

During the January shutdown, the transducers were shielded and calibrated, and additionally PT267 was moved behind the green wall. Focussing on PT267 only, it seems the transducer was reading fine, except for an slowly increasing offset versus the mechanical reading, which is believed to be accurate. The offset was +2.3 psi on February 25, +4.0 psi March 16, and +6.5 psi during E93049 (about end of April). This offset has to be added to the PT267 readings for February and March.

temperature sensors

After commissioning, the temperature profile of the target was as follows:

It was expected that the sensors located in the Helium cell block would show radiation damage first. Indeed, after a few days CT171 and CT168, and later CT170 and CT169, indicated radiation damage, i.e. showing higher temperatures than the other sensors, thus there was an offset in their readings. This offset increased slowly, but in this stage the readings were still useful. An offset of the day can be calibrated if the beam is off and the target is stable. Much later sensors broke completely, i.e. they were showing wildly jumping readings and were not useful at all.

Sensors CT97 and CT96 before the beam and CT93 after the beam were working all through E89044 and should be used to monitor the target temperature. It should be emphasized that CT93 gives only the indication that the gas temperature in beam is higher than the nominal one, but does not read this temperature.

Michael Kuss, July 24, 2000