Minutes of the E89044 group meeting, January 16, 2000, at Jefferson Lab

List of participants:
Konrad Aniol, CalStateLA
Fatiha Benmokhtar, Algiers
Bill Bertozzi, MIT
Zhengwei Chai, MIT
George Chang, Maryland
Martin Epstein, CalStateLA
Shalev Gilad, MIT
Doug Higinbotham, MIT
Akio Hotta, UMass
Michael Kuss, JLab
Nilanga Liyanage, JLab
Dimitri Margaziotis, CalStateLA
Jean Mougey, Grenoble
Marat Rvachev, MIT
Arun Saha, JLab
Riad Suleiman, MIT
Raphael Tieulent, Grenoble

Arun ...
... opened the meeting. In December, we finished the 845 MeV (#17, #27) and 4.045 GeV (#16, #26) kinematics points. Due to the target problems, we could not run 2.028 GeV. This will be done in February at 1.953 GeV. In general, if we cannot make up the lost time in February/March, we can ask Kees for additional beam time during "facility developement". Important here is that the run coordinators should keep track of the correct logging of the beam accounting table, e.g. that "beam not acceptable" is not logged as "beam in use". The Emiss resolution we have achieved so far for 3He is 1 MeV. For 12C it is 0.5 MeV, so we see an effect from the target. It is not clear if the spread is entirely due to straggling, or if the energy loss correction in ESPACE can be improved.
First priority in February are the 4.8 GeV kinematics points. Arun pointed out that we have poor knowledge of the counting rate to expect for high pmiss (and also high Emiss), thus the run times in the experiment run table are kanonical. If the cross section stays flat we should consider to extend pmiss to 1 GeV/c or even 1.2 GeV/c. He pointed out that the high pmiss were a basic reason for the proposal at all. There was a discussion about how to prioritize if we have to continue with lower luminosity. Jean was giving some information on this later in his presentation.
Michael was added as a forth spokesperson to E89044. He gladly accepted. Does this mean there will be a party?

Jean ...
... spoke about modifications to the kinematical settings parts 1 and 2 and parts 3 - 6. His changes are summarized on his transparancies modified kinematics, modified spectrometer setups and proposed run plan modifications.

Doug ...
... lead the analysis session. He gave a general overview of the status of the analysis. Special attention got his plot about the Emiss. It showed that we can separate the deuteron ground state from the break-up. However, in the break-up region the cross-section was almost constant from threshold to about 20 MeV. On the other hand, the spectrum was more or less online analysis.

Michael ...
... will implement the beam position reconstruction into ESPACE, using the burst mode bpm information. He anticipates one day for implementing it and one day for testing.

Fatiha ...
... is checking the detector performances.

Nilanga ...
... will have finished the matrix optimizations by end of the month. Problem was that the previous optimizations were done with point-like targets, but at higher energies extended target have to be used. There were used external optimization routines, which were not very user friendly.

Marat ...
... also checked the detector performances. He reported that he believes for some paddles in HRSH the discriminator thresholds were to high. There only events with an ADC value above a high channel number (e.g. 2000) had a valid TDC value. However, the spectra were looking reasonable, not showing a cusp below the suspected threshold. He made his test with run #1349.
He showed that ESPACE has problems identifying the track that made the trigger if there are multiple hits (about 10% of the events). He also thinks the tracking in general has to be improved. It was not quite clear why ESPACE sometimes considers an obviously wrong track, because unphysical drift times should be excluded (intrisically) before trying to fit. Marat mentioned Ole Hansen will try to fix it. Nilanga mentioned that E93050 (VCS) will ingnore multi-hit events and correct later by a scale factor.
For run #1380 (elastic scattering on 3He) Marat found a bad vertex resolution. Despite the beam raster not being corrected properly, the width FWHM should not exceed 1 cm (15o spectrometer angle), but he found 3 cm. Has to be checked.
He found a bug in MCEEP. It simulates the radiative tail correctly for recoiling protons and deuterons, but for 3He there seems to be a cut-off (about 5-10 MeV from the peak). Paul Ulmer is informed but has no time to check immediately.

Summary about things to do

  • Beam position
  • Improve tracking
  • Update databases
  • 12C and 3He elastic cross sections
  • put raster profile into MCEEP
  • debug MCEEP
  • LVDT system (Riad)
  • Efficiencies
  • check MCEEP with 12C (Marat)

Michael ...
... spoke about the target performance in December and improvements being made. The start of E89044 was delayed due to fan problems. During the first successful cool-down it was noticed that the neccessary cooling power could not be delivered through the target heat exchanger. At 6.3 K the effective cooling power was about 240 W. 80 W were needed by the fan, the rest of about 160 W was allowing for a beam current of up to 80 µA. This resulted in a maximum luminosity of about 0.5·1038cm-2s-1.
Several things were/are being done to increase the mass flow through the heat exchanger: Additionally, 3He from Hall C was added to increase the target pressure to the design 220 psi.

Final discussion
Marty concluded we have the following outstanding problems: Moreover, in December the pressure transducers were showing radiation damage, making it impossible to determine the target pressure at a given time. It has to be made sure the pressure transducers work and are well calibrated, and/or we need a precise mechanical gauge. But even this seems not to be enough, because it is questionable if the density extracted from data bases is accurate enough.