Hi Everyone, Attached are two wq phase space plots. I hope they help for Friday's discussions. The first file is phase.ps.gz. It was generated using the newest version of MCEEP for the suggested HRSe kinematics I sent out yesterday. Instead of a real physical model, I selected the continuum and used an s-shell harmonic oscillator. I toggled on both the Hall A spectrometers and radiative effects. I then drew trapezoids around each distribution to guide the eye. The largest trapezoid corresponds to E_beam = 4.795 GeV. The middle trapezoid corresponds to E_beam = 1.550 GeV. The small trapezoid corresponds to E_beam = 1.245 GeV. Note that there is nothing magical about the intermediate beam energy I suggested. I just chose it to optimize the separation level arm vt/vl for a third epsilon point for the perpendicular kinematics settings. It may even be that 1.500 GeV cannot be run during the experiment time window! But a third epsilon would be extremely valuable. The second file is physics.ps.gz. It was also generated using the newest version of MCEEP for the kinematics I sent out yesterday. Here, I selected bound state and chose 3He option 20. I toggled on both the Hall A spectrometers and radiative effects. The trapezoids are those drawn in the phase space plot explained above. The plots indicate just how huge a hit in useable counts one takes in matching forward and backward angles. They also indicate that to truly extract reasonable rate estimates, one needs to work in 2D wq space - projections out onto 1D axes don't do justice to what is going on. The next stage in the simulations as I see it is to apply the trapezoidal cut defined by the wq phase space at the backward HRSe angle (this is the smallest trapezoid on the scatterplots) to each of the forward angle Ntuples (whichever epsilon(s) they may turn out to be at) to see how the Emiss and Pmiss distributions are affected. After this, the EmissPmiss phase space can be matched by tweaking the HRSh momentum (Emiss) or HRSh angle (Pmiss). Well, you could do it other ways, but I think the HRSe should be left alone. Anyway, once all this is done, I will have wqEmissPmiss phase space matched rates, which can be dropped into runtime optimizing codes for the structure functions. To proceed any further, I need the actual kinematics that we intend to run. That is, I need to know if a third epsilon is viewed by others to be as important as I think it is, and if so, what the third beam energy will be. I can then run theta_pq at each E_beam for the presently chosen Pmiss points, and we can move on from there as necessary. I have all the machinery in place. I hope a concensus can be reached on Friday. Feedback is always appreciated. Best Regards, Kevin