Jesse is working on incorporating magnetic transport into AEEXB. He has a 2nd-order TURTLE deck from John LeRose, it seems that there were some problems with this file which Jesse is working on resolving. At the moment therefore we don't really have anything special to report on this branch of our work. Dan Simon (an undergraduate) is working on doing the radiation-tail simulations for all our kinematic settings. He is making good progress. Due to the bulk of data, for the last few weeks he has been working on automating the process. The only real news we have to report is that the central momentum settings seem to have been somewhat clumsily specified, since they place the two-body peak precisely in the acceptance centers. I had thought we were going to shift settings to lower momentum to see more of the continuum. It is probably not terrible, since there are likely no good calculations that far out and also we may have big problems with slit scattering far in the continuum. One remark to George's report: why not put the active collimator BEHIND the passive one? We used this technique at Indiana, and the diameter of the active collimator was slightly less than that of the physical aperture, in this way we guaranteed that any event making it thru the active collimator did not strike the passive device. Placing it behind the passive device shields it from all the low-energy radiation and makes it more likely to work. Jeff