E99-114 Shift Checklist
Date (mm/dd)      
Time (24 hour format)      
Latest run number      
Visual Hall Inspection OK?      
Beam energy (MeV)      
BPMB x/y (mm)      
Beam current (µA)      
OTR at 1C12 in/out      
OTR at target in/out      
FFB position lock on/off      
FFB energy lock on/off      
Raster on/off      
SPOT X/Y (mm)      
Half-Wave Plate in/out      
Mott Polarization (logbook pg #)      
Compton Polarization (logbook pg #)      
Moller Polarization (logbook pg #)      
Target (15R/15/15ER/15E/C/NO)      
Fan Frequency (Hz)      
LH2 Target Temperature (K)      
LH2 Target Pressure (psi)      
LEFT HRS Angle (deg)      
LEFT Collimator      
LEFT Momentum (GeV/c)      
LEFT Quad #1 (A)      
LEFT Quad #2 (A)      
LEFT Dipole (A)      
LEFT Quad #3 (A)      
Argon Pressure (PSI)      
Ethane Pressure (PSI)      
CO2 Pressure (PSI)      


(continued on the next page)

E99-114 Shift Checklist (continued)

LEFT Cryo Levels OK?
(He > 60%, N > 25%)
LEFT VDC bottom gas flow      
LEFT VDC top gas flow      
LEFT VDC bottom HV      
LEFT VDC top HV      
LEFT S0 HV OK?      
LEFT S1 HV OK?      
LEFT S2 HV OK?      
LEFT Aerogel HV OK?      
Pion Rejector HV OK?      
FPP gas flow OK?      
FPP Chamber 1 Threshold (V)      
FPP Chamber 2 Threshold (V)      
FPP Chamber 3 Threshold (V)      
FPP Chamber 4 Threshold (V)      
FPP Chamber 1 LV OK?      
FPP Chamber 2 LV OK?      
FPP Chamber 3 LV OK?      
FPP Chamber 4 LV OK?      
FPP Chamber 1 HV OK?      
FPP Chamber 2 HV OK?      
FPP Chamber 3 HV OK?      
FPP Chamber 4 HV OK?      
Calorimeter Angle (deg)      
Distance to target (m)      
RCS Magnet IOC alive?      
RCS magnet current (A)      
RCS HV control connection OK?      
RCS HV OK?      
Calorimeter threshold (mV)      
Veto detector counting rate (Hz)      
Computer Deadtime (%)      

(continued on the next page)

E99-114 Shift Checklist (continued)

CODA event rate (Hz)      
CODA data rate (KByte/sec)      
Prescale Factors PS1, PS2      
Prescale Factors PS3, PS4      
Prescale Factors PS5, PS6      
Trigger Rates T1, T2      
Trigger Rates T3, T4      
Trigger Rates T5, T6      
HRS Detector Replay OK?      
HRS Physics Replay OK?      
FPP Detector Replay OK?      
FPP Physics Replay OK?      
RCS Detector Replay OK?      
RCS Physics Replay OK?