Jefferson Lab RCS ANALYSIS Logbook for October 02 - Full Listing

  • Main INDEX


  • 57623 10/28/02 15:05 Areg y_tg optimization results
  • 57622 10/21/02 15:20 Adaq acceptance
  • 57621 10/21/02 15:10 Areg 4gev optics -- offsets
  • Tuesday

  • 57620 10/15/02 13:17 Areg optics(3600GeV) -- followup
  • 57619 10/15/02 13:00 Areg optics(2785MeV)-- followup
  • Friday

  • 57618 10/11/02 18:32 Areg optics
  • Wednesday

  • 57617 10/09/02 17:11 Areg optics
  • 57616 10/09/02 07:23 dhamilton Unpolarized Merge
  • Tuesday

  • 57615 10/08/02 15:05 Areg simulation to real data comparisons
  • 57614 10/08/02 14:36 Vahe Optic run from e01020 experiment

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    If you have any comments or problems, please contact:
    Ting Chang
    (757) 269-5852