How to bring up HAC control window How to start spot++ What/where to check raster
How to move spectrometer How to start xscaler (HRS) What/where to check VDC
How to set momentum on HRS How to start xscaler++ (RCS) What/where to check FPP
How to bring up the alarm handler How to start dataspy (HRS) What/where to check trigger rates
Time dependences of EPICS variables How to start dataspy++ (RCS) What/where to check target temperature
Bring up the beamtime counting table How to start dhist (HRS) How to speedup HRS settings
How to run and restart CODA How to start dhist++ (RCS) What/where to look in the hall
Cold start How to start RCS detector replay How to reboot HRS crates
How to download and check the trigger How to start espace How to reboot RCS crates
How to start HALOG How to start espace_fpp How to reset RCS high voltages
How to start beam counting script How to start rcs_analyzer How to read/set calorimeter trigger threshold  
How to reset the VDC high voltage How to merge HRS and RCS data How do the ROCs connect to the port server
How to control RCS High Voltage How to run veto checks  

How to bring up HAC control window

The machine to run HAC is hacsbc2. Click here to see the screen. At the bottom of the screen is the linux taskbar. Towards the left side of the taskbar there is the "graph" icon. Above the "graph" icon there is a small arrow head. Pressing the arrowhead opens a menu bar which has bogies_LEFT, bogies_RIGHT, StripTool, Alarm Handler, Angle->Floor Mark, Accelerator Menu, hall A Menu, and ESR Menu.
Pressing the "Hall A Menu" label launches a subscreen titled "Hall A Main Menu". One of the entries is labled "Tools".
Pressing on the "Tool" button opens the "Hall A General Tools" screen, which is often refered as the HAC window.

How to move spectrometer

From the bottom menu bar, in the window containing Hall A General Tools, press on the "bogies_LEFT" from the "graph" icon in the taskbar to bring up the bogies control screen. Then press on the "Angle->Floor Mark" from the "graph" icon in the bottom menu bar to determine the Floor Mark and Venier settings. Next, release the brake and clamp by clicking on the PSM Enable button, the DM enable button, Brake Release button, and the the Clamp Release button. Wait for the PSM OK, DM OK, and Brakes OK. Then type rpm value for the motor speed (max 600 rpm) with the following sign conventions: to move to a larger angle, the speed should be positive; to more to a smaller angle, the speed should be negative. Watch the spectrometer motion from the camera. If necessary, move the camera by clicking and holding on the Camera "Move +" or "Move -" button. When you are getting close, slow down to about 200 rpm. To stop, click on the Brake and Clamp buttons.

How to change momentum setting of HRS

From the HAC window, there is a P0 SET field for each spectrometer in which you can eneter the desired momentum setting. To change to a lower momentum from a higher previous setting, you just need to enter the momentum value. To bring momentum setting up, you need to recycle the magnets. See the instructions on the board of the counting house.

How to bring up the Alarm Handler

From the "graph" icon in the taskbar, press the "Alarm Handler" label.

You can plot time dependences of EPICS variables

Pressing the "graph" icon launches "StripTool", which allows to plot any EPICS variables versus time.

How to bring up the Beamtime Counting Table

How to run CODA

More details about Hall-A DAQ and trigger see in Bob Michaels guide.html and guide2.html.

Cold start

More details about Hall-A DAQ and trigger see in Bob Michaels guide.html and guide2.html.

How to download and check the trigger

A self-explanatory graphical user interface pops up, where you must enter the Left spectrometer momentum and particle ID, and the distance of the RCS calorimeter from the target, and then press "Download" and wait for it to finish. The trigsetup script does call an RCS specific script to adjust delays on RCS arm, and it also adjusts delays on the Left spectrometer. The user should look for suspicious error messages in the window from which trigsetup was launched, e.g. to check if connection to the crate is ok.
More details are described in Bob Michaels page Loading and Checking the Hall A HRS Trigger.

How to start HALOG

More details about HALOG see in halog HOWTO and FAQ page.

How to start beam counting script

How to reset the VDC high voltage

How to start spot++

How to start xscaler (HRS)

How to start xscaler++ (RCS)

How to start dataspy (HRS)

How to start dataspy++ (RCS)

For more details about the dataspy usage see the README file.

How to start dhist (HRS)

How to start dhist++ (RCS)

For more details about the dhist usage see the README file.

How to start RCS detector replay

For more detailed information please see RCS Online Software.

How to start espace for detector/physics analysis

  • Logon to "adaql1" as user "adaq"
  • How to start espace_fpp for detector analysis

    To do a detector replay using espace and paw For more detailed information, please see RCS Online Software.

    How to start rcs_analyzer

    Input data file for analyzer is a CODA file "/adaqfs/halla/a-onl/runlink/run_NNN", where NNN is the run number.
    In result a root file /net/l1.work1/e99114/TTT/rcsTTT_NNN.root is created, where TTT one of DEV, PRO, or PHY.
    More details about output parameters configuration, the parameters discription, database files, how to use the output root file, etc, are described in the README file and the RCS analyzer document.

    How to merge HRS and Photon spectrometer data

    To merge output data files from the same run for physics analysis;

    How to read/set calorimeter trigger threshold

    How to run veto checks

    To run code which will check that the veto and calorimeter are correctly positioned in the software and calculate veto efficiency:

    How to control RCS High Voltage

    HV for RCS LG calorimeter, veto and cosmic trigger counters is provided by 6 LeCroy mainframes. They are controlled from adaqlr3 via an ethernet link isolated from Internet. The control code is written in Java language. To start the task on should: Typical problems:

    What/where to check raster

    What/where to check VDC

    What/where to check FPP

    What/where to check trigger rates

    What/where to check target temperature

    How to speedup HRS settings

    What/where to look in the hall

    How to reboot HRS crates

    Click here for instructions.
    If GUI for LeCroy HV is white (blank): do reset to the Arcnet - reset key is located on the "crate resets" window of the Right Spectrometer.
    If the reset doesn't help you need to call MCC and request contact software expert on call. After such person will call explain him the problem.

    How to reboot RCS crates

    To reset TS2 and RCS crate ROC4

    How do the ROCs connect to the port server

  • ROC2 : telnet hatsv4 2002
  • ROC3 : telnet hatsv4 2003
  • ROC4 : telnet hatsv6 2009
  • ROC14 : telnet hatsv5 2014
  • TS1 : telnet hatsv4 2014
  • TS2 : telnet hatsv6 2010

  • If the portserver ask you the login name, use "adaq" as the user. The password is the same as in the counting house computers.

    How to reset RCS high voltages

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