RCS: Papers, Talks and Publications


  1. Proposal sent to PAC-16: ps.gz file or pdf file (with PAC title sheets, from JLab server)
  2. PAC-16 report (includes report on RCS): pdf or ps)
  3. NSF proposal: ps.gz file


  1. RCS presented by A.Nathan at high momentum transfer workshop: ps.gz file
  2. RCS presented by A.Nathan at high momentum transfer workshop: ps.gz file
  3. Contribution by A.Nathan to semi-exclusive workshop: ps.gz file
  4. RCS talks by F.Sabatie at Hall A collaboration meeting, May 23-25 1999: here
  5. RCS talk by F.Sabatie at 12GeV JLab workshop: transparencies pdf
  6. RCS talk by F.Sabatie at 12GeV JLab workshop: transparencies pdf
  7. Invited talk by B.Wojtsekhowski on GDH 2002, Genova: "Real Compton Scattering on the Proton" ps file
  8. Geant 3 Simulation for RCS by V. Mamyan Hall A Data Analysis Workshop 2003 pdf
  9. Real Compton scattering from the Proton by V. Mamyan Hall A Collaboration Meeting pdf


  1. Polarization Trasnsfer in Proton Compton Scattering at High Momentum Transfer ps file
  2. Cross Section of Compton Scattering from Proton at High Momentum Transfer (published in Armenian Physics Jurnal)


  1. RCS runsheet in Postscript form

E-Mail : gen@jlab.org
Last updated: Wed, 13 July 2001