Schematic diagram of RCS trigger logic

    Triggers are generated by the PMT signals from the scintillator planes and from calorimeter blocks were sent to DAQ. To make sure that only good events coming from the target are used for the analysis, each event is assigned a variable event type based on the signals from scintillator planes for this event. The trigger signals are sent to the Trigger Supervisor (TS) module which starts the DAQ readout. Most inputs of the TS can be individually prescaled. Triggers, which are accepted by the DAQ, are then re-timed with the scintillators to make gates for the ADCs and TDCs. The re-timing removes trigger time jitter and makes the timing independent of the trigger type. Events with event type equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are called T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 events, respectively.
The variable event type is assigned to each event as follows:

Trigger 1

  •   T1 is a Photon Arm singles trigger. It is formed in the following way: 
    • The analog signals from every 2 x 4 array of lead glass blocks, except the outermost layer of blocks, are first summed by a custom-made linear-summing module. Four of the summed signals from the 2 x 4 array are summed again to form a signal summed over 32 blocks. Each of the sum32 signals are sent to discriminators to form logical signals.
    • Total 56 signals from the discriminators were combined in a master OR, the output of which gives the Photon Arm trigger T1, if the energy deposited in one of 32 group blocks of the calorimeter is above the effective threshold value set in the discriminators by programmable DAC.

Trigger 2

  •  T2 is a Photon Arm cosmic trigger:
    • It was organized by using two plastic scintillator paddles, which were placed at the top and the bottom of the calorimeter.
    • The trigger signal is formed as a coincidence of signals of the top and the bottom paddles.

Trigger 3

  •  T3 is a main Hadron-arm trigger.
    • Logical AND of the left and the right PMT signals forms a signal from a paddle.
    • Logical OR of six paddles in each scintilator plane forms a signal from S1 and S2.
    • Logical AND of S1 and S2 forms forms the trigger signal from Hadron-arm.

Trigger 4

  •  T4 is an additional Hadron-arm trigger.
    • It is based on logical OR of three coincidence S1&S2,S1&S0 and S2&S0.
    • This is a redundant trigger used for trigger efficiency measurement.

Trigger 5

  •  T5 is a coincidence of signals, individually use to form T1 an T7. The width of the photon trigger pulse is set to 10 ns, so that the coincidence events are synchronized with the photon trigger.

Trigger 6

  •  T6 is laser trigger.

Trigger 7

  • T7 is a trigger from S0 scintillator counter signal. The logical signal from bottom PMT of the S0 paddle forms the Left-arm trigger.
    • The logical AND of the signals from up and bottom PMTs of the S0 paddle is used for Hadron-arm re-timing.
    • The coincidence window is determined by the width of the hadron trigger pulse and is set to 100 ns.

Trigger 8

  • T8 is a 1024 Hz pulser trigger. A  1024 Hz pulser is fed to Trigger Supervisor. It is used to measure the dead time of the electronics.

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Last updated: Mon, 21 March 2005