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Experiment Schedule and Run Plan Update

Beam energy 5.734 GeV, 10 $\mu A$.

Table 3: Experiment Schedule and Run Plan Update
From To Hall-A Status HRS angle E99-117 Time (days)
06/03/01 06/08/01 1.198/10$\mu A$ $20^\circ$ Commission 6
06/09/01 06/11/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $45^\circ$ x=0.61 $\perp$ 3
06/12/01 06/12/01 maintainance     1
06/13/01 06/15/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $45^\circ$ x=0.61 $\parallel$ 3
06/16/01 06/16/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $45^\circ$ x=0.61 $\perp$ 0.5
06/16/01 06/17/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $45^\circ$ x=0.61 $\parallel$ 1.5
06/18/01 06/30/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $45^\circ$ x=0.61 $\parallel$ 12.8
06/30/01 07/03/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $45^\circ$ x=0.61 $\perp$ 2.6
07/03/01 07/08/01 Holiday     5.5
07/09/01 07/12/01 Maintenance   target tests 4
07/13/01 07/13/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $35^\circ$ x=0.33 $\parallel$ $e^+$ 0.1
(07/13/01) (07/13/01) 5.734/15$\mu A$ $35^\circ$ (x=0.48 $\parallel$ $e^+$) (0.1)
07/13/01 07/14/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $35^\circ$ x=0.33 $\perp$ 0.8
07/14/01 07/19/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $35^\circ$ x=0.33 $\parallel$ 5.0
07/19/01 07/24/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $35^\circ$ x=0.48 $\parallel$ 5.5
07/25/01 07/26/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $35^\circ$ x=0.48 $\perp$ 1.2
07/26/01 07/30/01 5.734/10$\mu A$ $45^\circ$ x=0.61 $\parallel$ 4.4

Based on the result of online analysis for $x=0.33$ $e^+$ run, will decide whether $x=0.48$ $e^+$ run is necessary or not.

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-07-19