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$e^-$, $\pi^-$ cross section in deep inelastic region - Whitlow, Wiser

Whitlow code[2] was developed in 1990 by a graduate student working on SLAC E140, a deep inelastic electron-deuterium and electron-iron scattering experiment. The code was generated by combining E140 data with data from all SLAC deep inelastic electron-hydrogen and electron-deuterium cross section measurements between 1970 and 1983 (E49a, E49b, E61, E89a, and E89b). It is commonly used to predict (e,e') cross section in deep inelastic region. We expect that Whitlow code works better than QFS in deep inelastic region, although QFS also include deep inelastic reaction mechanism. The existing Whitlow code is for hydrogen and deuterium targets only. For E99117 we use the sum of these two results for $^3He$ target.

Wiser code[3] for inclusive photoproduction of both positive and negative protons, kaons, and pions was developed in 1977. It is based on SLAC data using (1) a hydrogen target, (2) a bremsstrahlung photon beam made with electron energies of 5, 7, 9, 11, 15 and 19 GeV, and (3) SLAC 8 GeV/c spectrometer. Because of this specific kinematic regime, Wiser code is commonly used to predict $(e,N)$, $(e,K)$ and $(e,\pi)$ cross sections in high beam energy, deep inelastic region. Later data show that Wiser code has an overestimation within a factor of 2. In our program, we use result of wiser code for hydrogen target. For $^3He$ target, we assume photoproductions from bound proton and neutron are the same and there is no correlation effect between nucleons inside $^3He$, e.g., we multiply result of wiser code by a factor of 3.

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01