GDH/A1n/g2 Collaboration Meeting 1

July 6-7, 2000, Room L104, CEBAF Center, Jefferson Lab

July 6 (Thursday) GDH collaboration meeting
9:00 Welcome and General Comments Kees de Jager
9:30 Students analysis progress (Deur, Djawotho, Kominis, Slifer)
10:40 Coffee Break
11:00 Students analysis progress (continue)
11:30 Spectrometer analysis N. Liyanage
11:50 Target EPR results Jensen/Kominis/Korsch
12:20 Lunch
1:30 Preliminary He3 g1/g2 and sum rule results S. Choi
2:00 Discussion on the results and issues/plan
3:00 First PRL Draft and discussion G. Cates/All
4:00 Coffee Break
4:20 Discussion on first PRL (continue)
5:00 DAQ system (for A1n/g2 exp's) B. Michaels
5:20 Long term plan, conference talks, other issues
6:30 End of GDH meeting
July 7 (Friday) A1n/g2 collaboration meeting
9:00 g2 physics/kinamtics/requirements update T. Averett
9:30 A1n physics/kinamtics/requirements update Z. Meziani
10:00 Detector/H-arm Shower Counter Bogdan W./G. Chang/X. Jiang
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Pion and positron background X. Zheng
11:30 Discussion on
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Target design work Gavalya/Brindza
2:00 Discussion on target design/fabrication/ref cell system
2:30 Cell production/discussion Cates/Averett/Kominis
3:00 Density Measurement/discussion S. Jensen
3:20 Lasers/optics/discussion
3:40 Coffee break
4:00 Target test at JLab K. Kramer
4:30 Target control system Y. Roblin
5:00 Discussion of plan for target test/control system
5:30 Manpower, schedule, milestone...
6:00 End of collaboration meeting