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  Link to Feburary, 2002
Link to November, 2001
 Link to October, 2001


Target lab status:

g2n Analysis: (Kevin)

A1n Analysis: (Xiaochao)


Target lab status:

g2n Analysis: (Kevin)

Target Analysis: (Kevin)

A1n Analysis: (Xiaochao)



Target lab status:

A1n Analysis: (Xiaochao)

g2n Analysis: (Kevin)


Target Lab Status:

     During holiday, Jindong did spin-up, spin-down and temperature test for Sergei; Maximum is about 35% (NMR & EPR);
     After holiday, it has been found that cell position is pretty low (~5mm lower than central position of oven), so part of laser power is not hiting the cell.  On 01/05/2002, Sergei re-installed, laser alignment has been checked;
     Did 2nd spin-up and spin-down for Sergei;       Sergei lifetime 36 hours (AFP loss not corrected);
      Sergei maximum ~48% (NMR), ~45% (EPR);
      Temerature test result is not reliable due to oven problem;

A1n Analysis: (Xiaochao)

     Change beam energy from 1.19733 (MBSY1C) to 1.19638 (Tiefenbach) GeV, which improve the W and target_dp (consistency between data and MC) a little;
     Fixed a bug in left arm MC code, (about beam x);
     Add HRS angle from survey to simulation and data;
     Change event generation of beam x&y in MC code, makes it to be a uniformly distributed circle;
     Cross section: left arm data is ~5% < simulation, right arm very close;
     Discrepancy of target_dp and W, between data and MC, still exist, might be due to error in beam energy and HRS central momentum;

g2n Analysis: (Kevin)

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