Jindong Zhou

Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA 23606

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Dec. 16, Sunday, Williamsburg
The following pictures are selected from a vedio tape. The vedio tape has been sent to Jindong's family by Xiaofeng.

For the whole week we were busy with Hall A collaboration meeting, that sunday we decided to visit Williamburg.
Here you can see typical expression of Jindong - shy, and nice

Oct., 2001, JLab

Jlab counting house, pol3he target lab, and Jindong's office at Trailer city.

Oct., 2001, weekend
We went to Chespear Tunnel during a sunny weekend. This is a national park after the tunnel.

Jindong's best friend at Jlab - Xiaofeng Zhu

Summer, 2001, working at JLab, Hall A

Sep. 15, 2001, Experiment E99117/E97103 End of Run Party

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(last updated: 01/16/2002, maintained by xiaochao@jlab.org)