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Electron efficiency for each mirror - cut in central region

Figure: Short gas cherenkov detector efficiency for each mirror, from a high e run
\includegraphics[bb=20 40 580 700, angle = 0, width=300pt]{}

The data quality for each mirror can be ordered as: #5$\rightarrow$ #4$\rightarrow$ #10$\rightarrow$ #6$\rightarrow$ #3$\rightarrow$ #8$\rightarrow$ #2$\rightarrow$ #9$\rightarrow$ #1$\rightarrow$ #7. Usually a cut at 380 (right above single photoelecton peak) is used. Compared to table [*], this is close to the order in number of photoelectrons:
Mirror# $n_{ph.e.}$
5 6.98
4 6.94
6 6.63
10 6.61 3
8 6.00
9 5.16
2 5.01
7 4.35
1 3.56

Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01