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Average number of photoelectron for each mirror

The average photoelectron number can be obtained by fitting the corrected ADC spectrum within central region of each mirror. The number obtained by Gaussian fit here is roughly 0.8 times real number of photoelectrons.

Mirror raw ADC spectrum corrected ADC spectrum $n_{ph.e.}$
  Pedestal single ph.e. gain single ph.e. main peak within central region  
1 522 584.4830 2.400654 150.0 927.7238 6.19
2 453 513.9111 2.462604 150.0 1052.819 7.19
3 315 368.5581 2.800698 150.0 1198.123 7.99
4 332 397.9352 2.274963 150.0 1288.307 8.59
5 453 516.3931 2.366187 150.0 1256.652 8.38
6 563 626.9664 2.344982 150.0 1376.927 9.18
7 449 494.6154 3.288360 150.0 1545.567 10.30
8 469 542.0541 2.053273 150.0 1088.557 7.26
9 493 572.0432 1.897696 150.0 1238.512 8.26
10 559 614.5086 2.702284 150.0 1158.616 7.72

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-06-05