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Estimation of $\pi$ and $e^+$ background for E99-117

Kinematics: Beam energy = 6.0 GeV, $\theta_e=45^O$, 40cm $^3He$ target

Kin: $p_e$(GeV/c) 1.5 1.31 1.10 0.90
$\pi^-$ (epc) 0.260 0.293 0.334 0.394
$\pi^-$(Wiser) 16.908 81.934 315.380 1144.040
$e^-$(qfs) 1.289 2.170 3.150 4.488
$e^-$(Whitlow) 0.783 1.530 2.540 3.800
$e^+$(epc) 0.00547 0.00625 0.00812 0.00998
$e^+$(Wiser) 0.06606 0.34462 1.58369 6.40059
$\pi^-/e^-$(Wiser/qfs) 13.117 37.764 100.114 254.909
$\pi^-/e^-$(Wiser/Whitlow) 21.581 53.541 124.183 301.082
$\pi^-/e^-$(epc/qfs) 0.201 0.135 0.106 0.088
$\pi^-$ decay ratio 41.67% 39.31% 36.57% 33.33%
$\pi^-/e^-$ (detected) $\sim$30 $<$50 $<$50 $<$50
$e^+/e^-$(epc/qfs) 0.425% 0.288% 0.258% 0.222%
$e^+/e^-$(epc/Whitlow) 0.699% 0.408% 0.320% 0.263%
$e^+/e^-$(Wiser/qfs) 5.125% 15.884% 50.273% 142.615%
$e^+/e^-$(Wiser/Whitlow) 8.432% 22.520% 62.359% 168.447%
$e^+/e^-$(Wiser/Born) 0.087% 0.292% 0.375% 1.965%
$e^+/e^-$(conservative) $\sim<$2% $\sim$4% $\sim$10% $\sim$20%

$\bigstar$ The radiation length for 40cm $^3$He target is:
10 mil Be + 10 mil Al + 0.012 mm Pyrex + 20 cm Air + 40 cm/2 $^3$He (10atm)=0.3574%
$\bigstar$ No Wiser code for D2 or He3 is available, so use 3 times Wiser for proton as He3 result;
$\bigstar$ Final result (the last row) of pion and positron background is the code result corrected by over/under-estimation factor obtained from test run.

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01