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Estimation of $e^-$, $\pi^-$ and $e^+$ cross sections for E99-117

Estimation of $e^-$, $\pi^-$ and $e^+$ cross sections for E99-117 is listed below. We expect Wiser and Whitlow's fit are good in E99-117 kinematic region for $\pi^-$ and $e^+$, respectively. Then estimation of $\pi^-$ and $e^+$ background are presented based on these two codes.

$p_e$(GeV/c) 1.450 1.200 0.890
$\pi^-$(epc)(nb/GeV-sr) 0.259 0.304 0.390
$\pi^-$(wiser)(nb/GeV-sr) 4.520 29.452 223.922
$e^-$(qfs)(nb/GeV-sr) 1.700 2.949 5.084
$e^-$(whitlow)(nb/GeV-sr) 0.875 1.830 3.485
$e^-$(rosetail) 0.012 0.040 0.198
$e^+$(epc)(nb/GeV-sr) 0.00465 0.00568 0.00858
$e^+$(wiser) (nb/GeV-sr) 0.01578 0.11424 1.11099
$\pi^-/e^-$(epc/[qfs+rosetail]) 0.151 0.102 0.07386
$\pi^-/e^-$(wiser/[qfs+rosetail]) 2.639 9.853 42.391
$\pi^-/e^-$(epc/[whitlow+rosetail]) 0.292 0.162 0.106
$\pi^-/e^-$(wiser/[whitlow+rosetail]) 5.096 15.748 60.796
$\pi^-/e^-$(estimation) $\sim$10 $\sim$20 $\sim$100
$e^+/e^-$(epc/[qfs+rosetail]) 0.00269 0.00189 0.00161
$e^+/e^-$(wiser/[qfs+rosetail]) 0.00921 0.03822 0.21032
$e^+/e^-$(epc/[whitlow+rosetail]) 0.00519 0.00301 0.00231
$e^+/e^-$(wiser/[whitlow+rosetail]) 0.01779 0.06108 0.30164
$e^+/e^-$(estimation) $\sim$ 0.7% $\sim$ 2% $\sim$ 5%

From the above table we can conclude that $\pi$ background is not high and it is sufficient to use Cerenkov and shower-preshower counter to extract it. For positron background we need some positron runs.

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01