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From Test run data we calculated the cross section for electron, pion and positron. The result shows that the pion and positron background given in the previous report is reasonable. Moreover, Whitlow's fit gives a good result of $e^-$ cross section. There is a discrepancy between Whitlow's fit and data by a factor of 2, probablly because we didn't extract the exact cross section from data. In runplan optimization we estimate the counting rates by the sum of Whitlow's fit and elastic tail given by rosetail.f, which is expected to give the $e^-$ cross section good enough for the estimation of statistical error. Then run time for each kinematics and polarization setting is calculated based on the algorithm from E94-010 run plan by Alexander Deur. Finally the result of run plan optimization is presented.

Xiaochao Zheng 2001-05-01