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A polarized $^3$He target system was built and used for JLab experiments E94-010 and E95-001. Several approved experiments will use the polarized $^3$He target system this summer and in the future. The polarized $^3$He target is based on the principle of spin exchange between optically pumped Rubidium vapor and $^3$He gas. Several high power (30 Watts) 795 nm diode lasers will be used for the optical pumping. A laser hut has been built and installed in Hall A. This LSOP describes the setup of the laser system in the laser hut and at the target area, details the potential hazards associated with the operation of this setup and provides instructions for the safe and effective use of the equipment. In addition, this manual provides information about the functioning of the various safety systems installed to protect personnel and equipment.

Xiaochao Zheng 2001-06-01