Hall A Collaboration Meeting -- Final Program

Below follows the meeting schedule. The names of session chairs or convenors are included in parentheses, and links have been made to the working-group programs if they are known.

The deadline for changes or additions has passed. If you want to make any changes to the printed version of this schedule, you must contact both the organizers and Ms. Rachel Harris (harris@cebaf.gov) before 11:00 Monday morning, 3 November. Any changes made after this time will have to be announced during the meeting itself, and will not be reflected on the printed schedule.

Thursday, 6 November

  9:00-12:30      Short-Range Workshop Session I, Auditorium
                       (R. Lindgren)
                  Nucleon Structure Working Group
                       (J.-P. Chen, R. Lourie, A. Sarty)
                  Other working-group sessions
Collaboration General Session, Auditorium
1:30 Welcome and Hall A Status K. de Jager
1:50 Report from the CC M. Finn
2:10 Polarized Beam: Status and Outlook C. Sinclair
2:30 Report on 89-003 M. Liang
3:15 break
3:45 Report on 89-033 K. Wijesooriya / S. Malov
4:30 Report on 91-026 M. Petratos
5:00 Beamline Instrumentation Status Report A. Saha
5:25 Session Adjourned
  7:30-whenever   Working-Group Sessions:
                  Many-Body Working Group
                     (K. Fissum)
                  other working-group sessions

Friday, 7 November

  8:30-12:30      Working Group Sessions
                  Few-Body Working Group / Short Range Session II
                       Combined Session (W. Hersman)
                  other working-group sessions
Collaboration General Session, Auditorium
1:30 Spectrometer Optics/Calibrations Status J. LeRose
1:55 Spectrometer Detectors Status B. Wojtsekhowski
2:20 Report on Cryotarget J. Chen
2:50 Report on Spectrometer Alignment/Positioning J. Gomez
3:05 Moller Status Report A. Gasparian
3:30 break
4:00 Compton Polarimeter Report C. Cavata
4:15 Parity Tests Report R. Holmes
4:45 ESPACE data-analysis working group report E. Brashdead time, fid eff # and 3/4 eff. Also checks for value of PS3.
  7:30-whenever   FPP Status Meeting
                     (J. McIntyre)

Saturday, 8 November

Collaboration General Session, Auditorium
9:00 Report from Virtual Compton Scattering expt. C. Hyde-Wright
9:45 Report from GEp experiment C. Perdrisat
10:30 Report from Parity experiment P. Souder
11:00 break
11:30 Hall A Web Pages O. Hansen
11:45 Ideas for 6-8 GeV Physics Working Group P. Roos
12:00 Hall A Business Meeting
  1:30-5:30       Short-Range Workshop: Third-Arm Discussions (E. Jans)
                  HAPPEX (Parity Experiment) Group Meeting
		  other working group sessions if needed

Other Related Meetings

	1:00 PM  5 Nov (Wednesday)	CC Meeting
	7:30 PM  5 Nov (Wednesday)	ESPACE evolution meeting
                                           (tentative, contact P. Rutt)
	9:00 AM  9 Nov (Sunday)		HAPPEX (parity group) meeting

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Jeffrey Templon
Last modified: Tue Nov 11 11:51:51 EST 1997