last update - May 16

May 18

9:00-9:05 Welcome       R. Ransome
9:05-9:25 DVCS  - Roblin
9:25-9:40 discussion of DVCS
9:40-10:00 (e,e'K and K-bar) on nuclear targets - Gao
10:00-10:10 discussion of proposal
10:10-10:30 coffee break
10:30-10:50 89003 update - Weinstein
10:50-11:00 discussion of proposal
11:00-11:20 Proton polarization in deuteron photo-disintegration 
            up to 3.6 GeV at Theta_cm = 90 deg. - Gilman   
11:20-11:30 discussion of proposal
11:30-11:50 3He,4He form factors  - Gomez
11:50-12:10 discussion of proposal 
12:10-13:30 lunch
13:30-13:50 Low Q^2 4He parity proposal - Armstrong
13:50-14:00 discussion of proposal 
14:00-14:15 3He Magnetic form factor in the diffraction region
             LOI - Higinbotham
14:15-14:20 discussion of LOI
14:20-14:40 Parity future proposal - Wojtsekhowski
14:40-15:00 97-111 -Short range correlations - Templon 
15:00-15:20 Coffee Break
15:20-16:00 Hall Status - Kees de Jager
16:00-17:30 Business meeting

May 19

9:00-9:20 Update on photon expts  - Gilman
9:20-9:40 Update on 89-044 - Kuss
9:40-10:00 Update on VCS - Hyde-Wright
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-10:40 Update on Happex - Cavata
10:40-11:00 Update on Gmn   - Gao
11:00-11:20 Update on 3He(e,e'pn)  - Wood
11:20-11:40 Update on GDH - Chen
11:40-12:00 Update on 4He expt. - Hu
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:40 The Hall A C++ analyzer -- status report  Hansen
13:40:14:00 Tape silo/cache disk situation - Bird
14:00-14:15 Pb Calorimeter - Perdrisat
14:15-14:30 Targets -  Chen
14:30-14:45 Moller - Chudakov
14:45-15:00 Compton polarimeter - Cavata?
15:00-15:20 Coffee
15:20-15:50 Energy Measurements  - Mitchell
15:50-16:05 beam line monitoring  - Saha
16:05-16:20 Spectrometer pointing - Gomez
16:20-16:35 Spectrometer optics - Liyanage
16:35-16:50 Spectrometer acceptance - LeRose
16:50-17:30 Open discussion of hall improvements, problems, etc.

17:30 Borrell

19:00 Kaon Working Group

19:00-19:05 Introduction (Franco and Pete) 
 Hypernuclear experiment
19:05-19:15 Septum  - Brindza
19:15-19:20 Waterfall - Garibaldi
19:20-19:30 Li-7 - Markowitz
RICH Status
19:30-19:40 Detector - Garibaldi
19:40-19:50 Freon and gas system - Brian
19:50-20:00 Quant. Eff. on line measurement - Herbert
Proton Experiment
20:00-20:10 Kinematics and running - Markowitz
20:10-20:20 More results from Hall C - Baker
20:20-20:25 Aerogel, existing detector - Coman
20:25-20:30 Aerogel, new detector - Gao
20:30-20:40 Needed Calibrations, Optics - Nilanga
20:40-20:50 Needed Calibrations, Beam Energy - Mitchell
20:50- ?    Discussion of
          - share calibrations with Gao
          - manpower
          - radiative corrections
          - modelling kaon decays
          - commissioning aerogels (beforehand?)
          - commissioning RICH

May 20 

9:00-9:35  High-x physics - Meziani
9:35-10:00 Discussion of high x expts for 12 GeV
10:00-10:20 Coffee break
10:20-10:25 tritium target - Ransome
10:25-10:45 MAD spectrometer- LeRose
10:45-11:00 MAD discussion
11:00-11:30 Charm physics  - Chudakov
11:30-11:45 discussion of charm physics
11:45-12:30 12 GeV discussion
12:30-13:30 lunch
13:30-13:50 Overview and Threshold pion production with Big Bite - Lindgren
13:50-14:00 discussion
14:00-14:10 Status of pi-N amplitudes - Strakovsky
14:10-14:15 discussion
14:15-14:30 Big Bite status - Nelyubin
14:30-14:40 discussion
14:40-14:55 Trigger system for Big Bite - Annand
14:55-15:05 discussion