
June 18    Expt. Updates and Technical Reports

9:00-9:05   Welcome       R. Ransome
9:05-9:45   Status of Hall A  35+5  de Jager
9:45-10:05  Update on 89-044  15+5  Voutier  3He(e,e'p)
10:05-10:20 Update on 89-044  10+5  Rvachev  3He(e,e'p)
10:20-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-11:10 Update on 94-004  15+5  Ulmer    2H(e,e'p)
11:10-11:30 Update on 94-010  15+5  Choi     GDH
11:30-11:50 Update on 93-049  15+5  Dieterich  4He(e,e'p)
11:50-12:05 Update on 91-011  10+5  Roche    N->Delta
12:05-12:25 Update on 91-011  15+5  Chai     N->Delta
12:25-13:30 Lunch
13:30-13:50 Update on 93-050  15+5  Hyde-Wright  VCS
13:50-14:10 Update on 99-007  15+5  Gayou     G_Ep
14:10-14:30 Update on 94-104  15+5  Xiang     gamma N->pi-
14:30-14:50 Update on 98-108  15+5  Markowitz  Kaon production
14:50-15:10 Update on 94-012  15+5  Wijesooriya  gamma p->pi
15:10-15:40 Coffee Break
15:40-16:00 Update on 99-008  15+5  Gilman  gamma d -> pn
16:00-16:20 Update on 97-111  15+5  Reitz  SRC in 4He
16:20-16:40 Update on DVCS  15+5  Hyde-Wright
16:40-17:20  Software Issues/C++ Analyzer - Hansen

17:30-20:00 Oxygen Meeting L102-104

June 19    Technical Reports, New Proposals, Other Business

9:00-9:20    Septum Magnets Status Report - LeRose
9:20-9:40    RICH Detector Status Report - Garibaldi
9:40-10:00   Progress on the BigBite Spectrometer - Higinbotham
10:00-10:30  Coffee break
10:30-10:50  RCS Detectors Status Report - Chang
10:50-11:10  Update Resonance search  15+5  Jiang
11:10-11:50  Proposal 01-108 - 20+20  Aniol - 4He(e,e'p)
11:50-12:30  Proposal 01-111 - 20+20 Jiang  - d2 matrix element
12:30-13:30  Lunch
13:30-14:10  Proposal 01-110 - 20+20  Wijesooriya - Pion Structure function
14:10-14:30  3He(e,e'd) LOI - 15+5  Sirca
14:30-15:00  Business Meeting
15:00-15:30  Coffee break
15:30-17:00  E00-102 Experiment Meeting

17:00 Borrel  ($8/person, please pay Heather)