of the
A Business Meeting
May 25, 1999
Those minutes are based on JAT transparencies.
The following items were presented to the collaboration
After some collaboration members chasing, we did have a quorum ...
Record Keeping Reminders
1. let us know about upcoming presentations
2. send us copies of final contributions, etc. (Kees black list)
3. let us know when students graduate and where they are going
4. send us copies of Ph.D. theses
Experiment Collaborators
E89-044 spokespersons submitted names of non collaboration collaborators (!) for the experiment
Krishna Kumar submitted names of non collaboration collaborators
on parity experiment
New Experiment: E99-008 was approved at the last PAC as a tag-along
on existing collaboration experiments. This Experiment was approved by
acclamation vote to be added to the list of Hall A Experiments.
Former Members
The following people have left the collaboration (changed into another field in or out of physics); object now or hold your peace.
We likely have many former students who will need reconfirmation (see
Hall A Charter on student membership). Please let us know about your students
who have graduated. We do not expect reconfirmation to be problematic,
but it is not automatic.
New Members
graduate students
These students are now members under the Ph.D. student clause of
the Hall A charter Proposed
New Members
Next Meetings, Miscellany
CC Meeting July 29 at CEBAF
Collaboration Meeting
First or second week of December. Final date to be chosen when we know
more about the PAC deadline. Comments welcome.
The Gilman Amendments
At the last Business meeting, a set of charter amendments proposed
by Ron Gilman were presented by Chair Jeff Templon. After discussion
it became clear that the intent
of the amendments had not been clearly communicated, and it was proposed
to defer discussion. Gilman has indicated that since there has been
no trouble with the charter passages his amendments were intending to address,
he suggests to defer discussion until that time
when/if the passages require clarification.
Bylaws (my favorite)
Collaboration ``rules'' which were not covered in the Hall A Charter. These are the proposed new bylaws, which were formulated by searching through old collaboration documents and making adjustments for new Charter
1. EXPINT publications
Any collaboration member who participates in an EXPINT experiment will get his or her name on the author list for the publication of that experiment. Participation is defined to mean either taking at least one shift on the experiment or meaningful participation in the analysis, interpretation or publication of the data.
2. Publication Review Policy
Collaboration Members arranging for talks, presentations, excluding seminars, or papers on Hall A Collaboration experiments must submit a final draft of the abstract or paper to the CC for comment in advance of submission. Collaboration Members should allow the CC a minimum of three full working days to comment before submitting the abstract or paper. Collaboration Members are also reminded that they have a responsibility to distribute any such communication to all their coauthors. For talks crediting the ``Hall A Collaboration'' as a whole, notification of the entire collaboration is also required upon submission. A copy of the final version of any contribution or paper falling under this bylaw must be sent to the Hall A Program Manager for archival.
Note : before submitting a paper to the CC, the author should have
given all coauthors of the paper a chance to read it and send
suggestions or comments if they wish ...
These 2 bylaws were accepted by a vote of the collaboration
Hall-A Emailing list : halla-coll@jlab.org
Jeff Templon
This was the last CC meeting chaired by Jeff.
After the next CC voting, a new chair for the
CC will be elected. Jeff was warmly thanked by
Kees and the collaboration for the excellent work he did in strengthening
our collaboration. Let me add it was a real pleasure to work with
Jeff on the CC.