Hall A CC Meeting - October 14th, 1999 Present: Kees de Jager, Ed Brash, Christian Cavata, Franco Garibaldi, Ron Ransome Status Report - Kees de Jager - Currently, the three (gamma,p) experiments are running in an interleaved fashion. There is also the possibility to give some test beam for the pion photoproduction experiment of Haiyan Gao. - These experiments have gone well, but are about 1 week behind schedule due to Hurricane Floyd and polarized source problems. This will be made up with 7 days of TBD time later in October/November. Any remaining TBD time would be given to E94-004 - Ulmer et al. - The Hall equipment has performed reliably. There has been good progress on Compton polarimeter, and the ep measurement system. On the latter, many problems have been solved recently (bug in programmable memory unit, improved trigger). Currently, both ep and arc energy measurements are at about 2x10^-4 and converging to the ultimate goal of 1x10^-4. - Currently working on the schedule up to Christmas 2000. The most important point here is that during summer shutdown in August 2000, the HRS detector stacks will be interchanged in order to complete the Gep extension (E99-007). This configuration will be kept until further notice after that. Beyond this, the current plan is to install the septum magnets during the winter shutdown around March 2001. - Big Bite --> successful workshop was held. Agreement to meet again at the December collaboration meeting. The power supply for Big Bite will be switched over the N.American specs and delivered to JLab. - Tritium Workshop --> successful 2 day workshop was held. The convenors will prepare a project summary to be submitted to Larry Cardman with a request for support. Next meeting will be at the collaboration meeting. - The next PAC will be in January 2000. Deadline for submissions will be the usual mid-December. Collaboration proposals will be due to the CC by 5 p.m. on November 19th, 1999. - The schedule for the first half of 2001 should be completed by next February. All proposals which are not on the schedule at that time which were approved prior to 3 years before the summer 2000 PAC will be subject to the Jeopardy Rule. An approximate count of how many proposals that will come under this rule for Hall A is six. - The next collaboration meeting will be December 9-11, 1999. The focus will be more on resolution of current problems and suggestions for future improvements in the Hall instrumentation. The CC welcomes suggestions for outside people to give presentations in WG meetings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Discussion of Issues Surrounding Publications - Two manuscripts submitted recently to PRL (E89003, E93027). We expect two more by the end of the year. VCS expects to have a draft by summer 2000. Submissions to PRC for HAPPEX, E89003 are in the works. - Discussion of Hall A NIM papers. The CC decided that a major Hall A NIM article should be put forward as soon as possible, which would focus on the spectrometers, cryotargets, and detectors. This will be coordinated by Kees and the Hall A staff. The plan is to have a first draft by February. In addition, several other NIM articles will be put forward including Moller, Energy Measurement, Compton, FPP, and Polarized 3He. - Author Lists --> after much discussion, the opinion of the CC was that since every single case would be different, having a blanket policy on authors would be ineffective. Instead, the CC puts forward the following guidelines which the spokespersons of experiments should follow: 1. Spokespersons should make it clear well before the experiment starts exactly what the policy for authorship will be, i.e. number of shifts required, policies for groups, supervisors, etc. 2. Spokespersons should be attentive to the concerns of those people making significant contributions to the experiment who may not necessarily take shifts. 3. In the case of disputes, the CC will act as a referee. - CC Review of Publications, Conference Contributions. All correspondence should go directly to the chair of the CC, not to individual members. In addition, spokespersons should only send the FINAL copy to the CC once it has been accepted and corrected by the collaboration as a whole. It should be "ready to go to the journal" when it comes to the CC. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Upgrade of the Facility - The current plan is to reach 6 GeV by next fall. After that, there would be essentially no energy increase until the major increase to ~12 GeV with the upgrade. - Expect to have an NSAC LRP exercise next year, which would be followed by a request to DOE for formal approval to write a CDR by late 2001. - The lab hopes to have a CDR within two years, with the energy upgrade starting in ~2004. - There is definitely money available for instrumentation upgrades. We have to start thinking VERY seriously about this right now, if we want to get any of it. - The general focus in Hall A after the upgrade will still be experiments making use of at least one of the HRS's together with a third arm detector, in the form of another large acceptance spectrometer or large calorimeter, or both. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous Issues - Safety Training --> special classes can be arranged now through RadCon (even for one person) if the Thursday class is inconvenient. - Annual Cleanup of Computer Accounts --> if your account was mistakenly disabled, please contact Kees, who must authorize reactivation. - Kees makes a plea to all Collaboration members to submit a copy of ALL final publications to Heather.